dreamgolfer i well understand the quote..... like the Gnn to the head Bully tactics. Bit like the damned if you do, damned if you don't ....quote lol . I only wish I know a way of putting some light onto this situation but it is so frustrating at time.
Jesus is going to kill you.....when he come back!
by trailerfitter 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
hey, I know this may not help, but this is a "long term" project, no solution today, but work on it for the future,
just like what Katie Holmes did to Tom C. ......have a plan and work on it till the time is right.
Tough spot to be in, and I am sorry for your little boy. You as well, of course, but him most of all.
You may not want to consider the following suggestion - and you know your situation best - but I will offer and you may do or not do as you see fit. (and I agree with the others that he understands your wife, and the jw theology perfectly) I understand that you are a non-believer, and perhaps you would simply prefer to counter belief in all its forms. But getting him to consider that Jesus (real or not) is not the killer that his mom's religion makes him out to be might help some.
Perhaps the next time he tells you Jesus is going to kill you (or something else just as awful), then counter with something good about Jesus. Not in a confrontational way, because that is hard for a child, especially one so young. Perhaps just let him know that a lot of people think of Jesus in different ways... (and that way you don't have to pretend that you believe; you're just sharing what some others believe so he has at least heard something different). Then mention a good thing... like Jesus healing people; or forgiving people; or loving people. Perhaps reassure him that Jesus never killed anyone; not even the people who hurt him... He forgave them instead, because he loved them... and he isn't coming back to kill anyone. Let him know that he does not have to believe people when they tell him that.
Again, it is a terrible spot to be in, because the WTS teaches that He does kill. And at 7, your son is having the idea thrust upon him that this killing is a good thing. Something he is supposed to be happy about.
And one more thing that just came to me...
Could it be that he is afraid of what is going to happen to HIM if he isn't threatening you... or even 'cutting you out' somewhat? Because maybe if he doesn't do that, then he is not being loyal? (I was not raised a jw, and never got baptized, but from some other stories here, this seems to be a prevalant feeling as well)
So again take this or leave it, you might want to remind him that Jesus loved and loves all children, and He would never be mad at him (or EVER punish him) for loving you, his dad. Let him know that children have a special place with Jesus and with God, and he does not ever have to feel afraid.
(all of that might bring a million questions on you, or he might just stop talking and get quiet about it... but he is only 7, so even if he isnt' talking, he is more than likely mulling over everything being said to him. Sometimes just the suggestion that Jesus is someone a whole lot nicer than the wts makes him out to be, will put him a bit more at ease)
This sounds like parental allienation to me. Might be time to hire some professional help, maybe even a lawyer.
Hi Diest,.. I was made aware that many courts do not want to tangle with religious affiars. Getting the courts involved if it is against the Watchtower you know they will use what ever is possible to win a court case if it is against them. Isn't comforting to know that they also have free legal assistance too compared to my poxy legal aid and unskilled laywers who know very little or nothing aboout the Jehovahs Witnesses. Touchy thing going after ones religious beliefs especially as the WT like to brag about beating secular persecution through the courts.
There is no way around the walls she has erected in her mind or any amount of persuation that is going to remove the watchtower blinkers from her head so I am playing it softly softly at the moment. New statement from my lad is,... " Mum hates you because you don't read the bible..." The word hate being the most active part of this statement. However she is particularly friendly at the moment.... I am just trying to spend as much time with him so she gets less contact time. It is working. He likes Star Wars at the moment so this is a good opportunity to point out to him that the future is looking bright for humanity by empasising the most probable outcome for us and our decendants is the human population spreading across the universe.
What sort of mentally ill people tell a child this sort of thing?
Sadly, the answer is Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Oracle
Disgusting to say the least!
Time to kick in to gear and fix this problem!
Good luck to you. I wouldn't delay your efforts.
The Oracle
It is amazing how the information is wrapped up in mummys little love bombs....all the WT inspried words are wrapped up nicely when she teaches him (away from me obviously) however I am doing the same thing by having fun and joking with him.
. As pointed out early by a kind comment earlier, the boy cuts through all the bullcrap and says it how it is. I got tired of trying to get explainations out of her so I will be devious and a trickster. No doubt she thinks that I am influenced by Satan (not that I believe in that sort of thing)....however I am learning to adapt to their love bombing and twisting.
This reminds me of a talk that someone gave in our hall...saying that if we don't obey the organization, it's as if we're against Jehovah and Jesus, and since Jesus died for our sins, he has the right to come down and slit our throats when the time comes. The whole talk in general was pretty violent, and I didn't appreciate it at all.
Well we are still here and Jesus hasn't tried to kill me ...ha ha ha!!