The start of Armageddon

by Armageddon-Messenger 125 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Armageddon-Messenger

    <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } A:link { so-language: zxx } --> Hi everyone:

    I am Armageddon Messenger, the one that Jesus said he would send to tell "YOU" the things coming.-John 16:12-14

    As it should be expected, the Governing Body of JW's are not willing and will not accept me as a "prophet" because according to them, Jehovah only communicates trough them...

    So I am technically an "apostate" for them, as many of you here are catalogued as well for sure...

    The message from Jehovah to YOU and ALL, is that He still loves you NO matter what, if you commuted a sin and were disfellowshipped, or simply were expelled because your did not agree with the "chain of command" or some teachings of the Watch I was too...

    Jehovah has indicated to me, that Armageddon will start in 2018 and the Great tribulation after that will last for 40 years....

    Not "pretty" hum?

    And YEs you will have to RUN and hide in the "mountains", like Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:15-22

    Even the wicked people form this World have "better standards" than the GB has towards the "fallen ones"...NO MEN LEFT BEHIND they claim, and DO.

    Jehovah has even higher standards than merely men as YOU already know, and that is WHY the GT will last 40 years, to humble us all, that are full of "pride", and who's ego does not let us see clearly what it matters the most.

    LOVE for Jehovah and OUR Neighbor...

    Here is more info in my blog:

    And you are all invited to join my forum as well if you want to:

    Thank you, your brother in life:


    It's the long term experience of problem solving what makes you successful. And what we do in life echoes in eternity!

  • cantleave
  • zoiks

    Cool, thanks.

  • elderelite

    Wow.... Thank you for sharing. Its good to have you here. Perhaps you could share a little as to how you come by this information....?

  • LostGeneration

    Don't worry, I am ready.

  • sir82

    Now see, that's the way you do it. 2018 is close enough to make an impression, but far enough away so that you can milk this thing for 4 or 5 years before getting a new "revelation" that it will come in 2022, 2024, or whatever.

    The mistake that noobs like Camping make is setting the Armageddon just a few months away. Sure, you get a big splash of publicity, but then it doesn't happen and people laugh at you because it's still fresh in their minds.

    See with this new guy, he can ignore the laughter & ridicule for another 5-6 years . It gives him a chance to rake in the contributions, or notoriety, or disciples, or whatever he's after, before he's forced to recant.

    Well done, sir!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Pay no attention to the cynics. They only mock because they're jealous of your special relationship with Jehovah.

  • Armageddon-Messenger

    I was BORN to deliver this IMPORTANT message, I did not realized it fully until recently...but I had a "feeling" because I had been saved a LOT of times before...ans seen many Visions from Jehovah as well (the 3 most importants in 1990)

    Please read my Blog, most of that info is in there...

    This is a STRONG message for everybody including the most "powerfull" man on the World and the GB of JW's as well, that has severly deviated from the TRUTH as well!

    Jehovah God is NOT blind, and before His son our Lord and King Jesus Christ comes to "take care of bussines" they are giving us the LAST WARNING!

    Take it or leave it, it's YOUR choice, Jehovah does not force ANYONE to abey Him...

    But if you do not, then get readt to face the Consequences as well!


  • Poztate

    Lost Generation...

    Don't worry, I am ready.

    You look like a true believer but your cat has a look in his eyes that says

    OH no...not this shit again

  • elderelite

    Messanger, just as a side note, Posting guidlines 5&6 may apply to continously mentioning your blog, although im by no means a moderator or an admin....

    I was hoping you could share in an actuall exchange of ideas instead of simply refering us to your blog every time we ask a question. So you say you were born for this but only come recently to know it.... What were some of your revelations? Others here claim insights as well. It would instructive to hear what you have to say

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