The start of Armageddon

by Armageddon-Messenger 125 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NewChapter

    FINALLY! Finally God and Jesus have reached the 21st century and are now using the internet to spread an important warning. I was really starting to wonder. I prayed---if you're there, please send me an email! Still waiting on the email, but a faceless stranger on an internet forum is getting closer! Progress.

  • cedars

    Armageddon Messenger - please forgive the unbelievers. I apologise on their behalf. They know not what they do, etc.

    Tell me, what must I do to get salvation in 2018?

    Also, I have visited your website. Please can you clarify what role Celine Dion plays in God's purpose?

    Finally, you may have noticed that there are many shameless and despicable Thor worshippers on this forum. What is your message for what lies in store for them if they do not repent of their paganism? Will they invoke God's wrath? Please be specific and very graphic about their fate.


  • finallysomepride


    another one

  • NewChapter

    Finally, you may have noticed that there are many shameless and despicable Thor worshippers on this forum.

    You will not escape Thor's mighty hammer!

  • cedars


    You will not escape Thor's mighty hammer!

    You Thor worshippers are all the same. Those like me who reject Thor are under constant threat of having household tools hurled in our direction. Have you any idea what anxiety and stress these threats stimulate in those like me who know how much damage hammers are capable of doing? Recently I have taken to sleeping with a hard hat under my bed, just incase Thor makes an unexpected home visit. I find the worry and strain almost unbearable.

    You can therefore understand why I for one would like to hear what Armageddon Messenger has to say about Thor worshippers (and, less so, about Celine Dion). I have a feeling I will agree with it... the bit about Thor worshippers that is.


  • elderelite

    Glad to see you are feeling Thorfull today cedars, although i would remind you its only tuesday. Make sure you dont wear yourself out before Thorday.

    As for am and whatever Message he has for my fellow thor worshippers.... I think i speak for most, if not all of us when i say... *shoulder shrug* whatever. Well let whoever he represents take it up with the Thunderer. We Thor worshippers live active and happy lives. We dont worry over petty little desert gods and their minor threats of vengance.

    May the all father corinue to bless one and all

  • cedars


    I think i speak for most, if not all of us when i say... *shoulder shrug* whatever.

    So, pretty much what the Governing Body says when you send in a letter questioning their authority?! Interesting.

    The parallels between worship of Thor and the "desert God" as you put it are many and disturbing.

    I hope Armageddon Messenger comes at you with many fearful lamentations of your woes during the coming day of wrath in 2018. Then is when those wearing spiritual PPE (personal protective equipment) like myself will be saved from the unholy and despicable projectiles that are hurled by Thor and his followers, who will be spiritually thrown "off site" for their numerous violations of spiritual health and safety protocol.

    Judging by AM's blog, Celine Dion also has a part to play in the coming day of God's wrath - but if listening to and liking her music means seeing the end of all this Thor silliness, then I consider it a small price to pay!


  • Chariklo

    Armageddon Messenger,

    Like Cedars I've been having a look at your site. And like him, I am very puzzled by the entry of Celine Dion just a few hours ago.

    But, as much as others may be scoffing, I have to say I really do like the letter you've written to the JW's Governing Body. Yes, indeed, I've always wanted to know how they live with their consciences over the many who starve and yet are not fed.

    Have you sent that letter to them? Please will you let us know what they say?


    The parallels between worship of Thor and the "desert God" as you put it are many and disturbing.

    I may be with you as far as Celine D goes, but your statement above is very disappointing. Thor is not vowing destruction of all he chooses not to save. The desert god, as presented by Witnesses, is. He is not threatening destruction of 90% of humankind and all that they have built upon the earth. The desert god is, again according to JW's. And Thor isn't the least bit botherd about sitting in judgement on the good and the bad.

    No. Thor cares for the earth, and cares about what happens to it. he likes human beings. He calls them his friends. No-one has to work hard to remain in his favour, cf "Keep yourself in God's Love", one of the nastiest and most wicked books of all time in my opinion, for the twisted view it has of the divine. Thor is tolerant and easygoing, and only seems to get angry at rank injustice and pure evil like the fronst giants.

    We haven't met, so i don't know and can't tell, but are you a frost giant, Cedars?

    If not, I don't think you need worry. Thor isn't interested really in hurting you, so you can take your hard hat off. He'd much rather see people busy and happy,. as ElderE says.

  • cedars


    Thor is tolerant and easygoing, and only seems to get angry at rank injustice and pure evil like the fronst giants.

    We haven't met, so i don't know and can't tell, but are you a frost giant, Cedars?

    I would rather not be pressed on that question. However, why is Thor so hell bent on killing all frost giants? Why does simply BEING a frost giant make one worthy of a fatal hammer blow to the cranium? So, suddenly it's okay to ethnically cleanse the Earth of all frost giants? Does that logic sound familiar to you, say, in the events surrounding the conquest of the Holy Land by the Israelites? Suddenly, just as with the Canaanites, frost giants aren't to be considered as ordinary people who only seek to be loved and accepted? They must be brutally savaged and blown asunder using crude weaponry?

    The more you speak of Thor, the more his legacy of intolerance and violence begins to unravel...

    Long may the dulcet, whining and piercing tones of Celine Dion herald the imminent exile of Thor and his worshippers to a place where they can no longer infringe multiple health and safety restrictions.


  • LostGeneration

    A scathing denunciation of the Governing Body followed up by a Celine Dion Youtube? Thats the sign right there!

    This guy has to be the Messiah!

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