EARTHSHAKING events will soon occur!
by dgp 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
the illuminati are ready to take control, since the WTBS is illuminati controlled they know what is about to happen.
Inside information so to speak.
that is why they are selling assets as fast as possible in areas that will be suffering the greatest potential loss.
Since when do these people ever suffer loss?. Never.
darth frosty
i was skimming thru that wt and i cannot believe they still trying to spout and back the whole great tribulation gov turning on false religion BS
bats in the belfry
wt 2/15/45, pg. 60
Yeah it's the same old crap the WTS have printed for years now... the U.N. is gonna turn on B the G blah blah blah... lol the U.N. can't even implement a cease-fire in Syria- how are they going to catch the Pope & all his merry men, and shake them down for their money? It's a steaming pile of BS!
Give peace a chance....but if that doesn't work out for ya call us, see below:
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Momentous events are soon to take place....EARTHSHAKING events will soon occur. The fulfillment of Bible prophecies confirms this fact, so we need to keep on the watch.
No details on exactly what events are going to happen when. So, something is going to happen sometime. And "keep on the watch" for something sometime?
I think that prophecy was already fulfilled [here].
How fitting it would be for Christians not to buy a home:
Under Kingdom rule, the desire of
every resident to have his own home
will be fulfilled, for it was prophesied
through Isaiah: “They will certainly
build houses and have occupancy; and
they will certainly plant vineyards and
eat their fruitage.” (Isa. 65:21) Yet, hav-
ing a home of their own is not the only
prospect. After all, some today live in
their own home, a few even in a man-
sion or on a grand estate. But there is al-
ways the worry that the home can be
lost through some financial reverses or
that burglars—or worse—will break in.
How different everything will be un-
der Kingdom rule! The prophet Micah
wrote: “They will actually sit, each one
under his vine and under his fig tree,
and there will be no one making them
tremble.”—Mic. 4:4.
6 With that wonderful prospect in
mind, what should we do? Of course,
all of us need adequate housing. None-
theless, rather than striving to acquire
that dream house now—perhaps going
heavily into debt to do so—would it not
be wise for us to focus on Jehovah’s
promise? Recall what Jesus said of him-
self:“Foxes have dens and birds of heav-
en have roosts, but the Son of man has
nowhere to lay down his head.”(Luke 9:
58) Jesus had the ability and the pow-
er to build or acquire the best house
anyone could possibly have. Why did
he not do so? Clearly, Jesus wanted to
avoid any distraction and entanglement
that would prevent him from putting
the Kingdom first. Can we follow his
example and keep our eye simple—free
of materialistic entanglement and anxi-
ety? -
OH You didnt feel it!!!!!!?????? I fell !!!!!,yep the earth shock I felt it