Is it possible to attend a KH with a GB member in it?

by Greybeard 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Hi Greybeard, it's nice to hear from you! Well, I'm not altogether sure that attending a normal congregation meeting makes the Governing Body members "accessible". I have a feeling that they are well-drilled in what to do or say if they are approached by someone who starts to ask them the wrong sorts of questions. I've heard stories of Governing Body members attending Kingdom Hall dedications, and making it perfectly clear to those seeking to associate with them that there are certain things they will simply not discuss. I suspect they have a similar routine prepared if they are faced with an "uncomfortable" situation at their local kingdom hall, and probably brothers assigned to look out for them in such an eventuality.

    I guess the only way to know for sure is for one of us to attend the Brooklyn Heights congregation armed with some pointed questions and a video camera to capture the response! Any volunteers?


  • Greybeard

    I would love to toss a jar of blood fractions on them and video it lol. We know they wont answer any questions. Don't take me wrong, I wish them no harm and will let YHWH do the judging.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Greybeard - that is funny! "Toss a jar of blood fractions on them and video it" - lol.

    Ofcourse that would be an agressive action and wrong to do, but the visual image is quite funny.

    In a way I feel sorry for the GB, but at other times I am disgusted with them. They can't all be that stupid. I am sure most of them have had an awakening and realize they are perpetuating false teachings and a pipe dream, yet they are too weak to leave. Too weak to stand up for what is truly right. Too weak to leave the lazy confines of their institution and have to get jobs or be taken care of by the world. It's sad.

    I think it's appropriate that we take a moment to salute the bravery of a real man with inner strength and goodness - Raymond Franz.

    Rest in Peace! He was truly one of the good guys.

    The Oracle

  • Greybeard

    @ The Oracle,

    I feel the same way you do. Is is very sad, I think the problem is pride. I salute Ray Franz too.

  • InterestedOne

    blondie wrote:

    Will Ferrell as Bruce Dickinson

    Christopher Walken played Bruce Dickinson. Ferrell played the cowbell.

  • Balaamsass

    In the 70s GB member Dan Sidlick and wife attended a hall in Brooklyn at the edge of Bed Stye. He had a "group" of Bethelites assigned to "travel with him" ie: bodyguards. One was a huge guy, an undefeated Golden Gloves champ who was a newly converted JW. Some of the other big wigs had big guys, vietnam vets, and ex cops as "traveling partners". Depended on the neighborhoods they where assigned to. Ray Franz served as an Elder in a poor Haitian congregation. He spoke French and Spanish.

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    It was whack. GB members (with the expection of Herd and Pierce) would give crazy long prayers, comments, and would conduct meetings up to 20 mins over. At their congregations that is. No one complained, people were honered, especially myself.

  • SadElder


    Dan and his wife used to ride to Bed Stye with Lee Waters and his wife and another Bethel heavy (forgot his name) in Lee's VW.

    Dan and this other Br. were often called away to Bethel duties hence missed a lot of meetings. One CO didn't like it, actually asked them why they needed to be an elder in that hall. Heard the CO got called up quick from the Bethel CIA, AKA Service Dept and put straight.

  • blondie

    Interested one, the quote was nebulous, thanks for the correction but the quote still stays. My grandfather was not very "obedient" and did not like Rutherford. He left in the early 30's.

  • Balaamsass

    Sad Elder,

    A VW- are you kidding? LOL!! I wonder why Dan S. didn't take out one of the Olds in the garage. As a GB member he had access. (because it might get stripped? ).


    I must admit Dan did try to "be one of the boys". He missed lunch sometimes to play ball. He was very proud of the fact he was one of the last White bros. back then to transfer out of Bed-Stye.

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