Atheists: Lowest Retention Rate Next to JWs

by breakfast of champions 173 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Well, I see that this thread has reduced itself to yet one more of the "Nasty Athiest Evangalistas" versus "Whacko Religious Nutjob" arguments.

    Too bad.

    There was an interesting point to be discerned here if one believes the statistical report about retention rate of atheist's children.

  • botchtowersociety
    There was an interesting point to be discerned here if one believes the statistical report about retention rate of atheist's children.

    It was dismissed: either the study was flawed, or ir was just some random blog, or the researcher was dishonest, or the data are improperly collected, or the people answering the questionnaires lied, or they were too scared to tell the truth, or the people who stopped being atheist did not do so out of a genuine change of mind, or they weren't truly atheist to begin with. So really, what is there to discern?

  • FlyingHighNow
    There was an interesting point to be discerned here if one believes the statistical report about retention rate of atheist's children.

    I agree. And if an atheist doesn't see all belief as dangerous, then it isn't going to be so upsetting that children in atheist homes sometimes grow up to believe in something. Rationality and balance on this poll is the key.

  • jamesmahon

    It was dismissed: either the study was flawed, or ir was just some random blog, or the researcher was dishonest, or the data are improperly collected, or the people answering the questionnaires lied, or they were too scared to tell the truth, or the people who stopped being atheist did not do so out of a genuine change of mind, or they weren't truly atheist to begin with. So really, what is there to discern?

    Or that they decided themselves to believe in god and there was no pressure put on them to decide one way or the other. I think that covers the options really. Or of course that god is real and that is why people are drawn to belief.

  • FlyingHighNow
  • Sulla

    Perhaps I am quite late to the party. But I suspect that atheism has such low retention rates because it is, itself, a form of fundamentalism. By which I simply mean that it relies on several unarticulated and dubious assumptions and that it reduces the inexpressible mystery of life to a series of rote formulae. I think that the standard answers of either form leave subsequent generations lass convinced than their converted parents and, because these children have no self-image to confirm, they leave it the way they leave the JWs.

    I think that the religious impulse is something like a natural response to life, its mystery and beauty. And I have the feeling that many atheists are attempting to reject those elements in an effort to control our uncontrollable lives. By rejecting mystery, though, an atheist rejects life, really. Viewed this way, it is hardly a surprise that children of atheists must find that they reject it: it is difficult to live so grimly and so at odds with humanity.

  • cofty


    Life is wonderful, mysterious and beautiful. I wonder about life the unviverse and everything constantly.

    What sort of dull atheists have you been drinking with Sulla?

    Strawmen of your own invention I suspect.

  • donny

    I wonder how many of the atheists were real atheists versus someone who just was not commited to any religion. I just posted a experience where a childhood friend of mine, who was Christian as a kid, told a congregation near my home that he is now a bleiver after being raised as an atheist. As for his story it was pure unadulterated B.S.

  • Berengaria
    You can become angry with God and lose belief in God. You never believed in Jehovah? You never felt anger towards him? You didn't lose your belief in God? Lose for lack of a better word, but you can replace that with a different word if you find a better more expressive word. There have been a lot of eloquent posts on JWD and N by atheists for why they became athiests. For people who once believed and now do not believe, it is understood that there are varied reasons why belief becomes past tense. That journey might or might not include anger towards God. It's sure nothing to be ashamed of.

    Huh? You can't be angry at something you believe does not exist. Period. If you are angry at god, you are not an atheist. You are simply a disgruntled believer. We aren't talking about a journey, we are talkiing about a conclusion.

    What is this "hurt your feelings" "nothing to be ashamed of" bull? Snarkey condescension??? LOL

  • Berengaria
    Life is wonderful, mysterious and beautiful. I wonder about life the unviverse and everything constantly.
    What sort of dull atheists have you been drinking with Sulla?
    Strawmen of your own invention I suspect.

    Indeed. I was going to ask these folks what is so boring, unfulfilling and lacking about this life? Why must there always be more?

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