You all are being far too kind to JC members, because they actually believe they are MORE POWERFUL and MORE IMPORTANT than doctors, when it comes right down to it.
They will quote the words of Jesus: "fear not those who can harm the body, but those who can harm the body and the soul". Of course, they sincerely believe (well, at least some must believe) that what matters most is spiritual salvation, and THAT is what life-saving services (spiritual CPR™, if you will) they are able to provide that a mere mortal doctor cannot: he can only save your mortal life (the fool....).
And oddly enough, JWs often view doctors as arrogant jerks (being a doc myself, I can't argue that point: I've met a few arses in the biz who feel they are God's gift to medicine, when maybe some ARE, but most are not. The guys who speak most loudly in all professions are often the one who need to advertise their skills, as they're not on display clinically). HOWEVER, it takes another degree of hubris for Brother (Elder) Window-Washer to think he is on par with, or even SUPERIOR to mortal MD, because of whatever soul-saving services he THINKS he provides to his fellow believer(s), in the name of Spiritual Faith Healing.
BTW, in another recent thread, I got down on those Xians who claim to be faith healers, offering false hope to the sick as a scam conducted in the name of Christ, whether compensated or not (ie simply for the ego gratification or self-satisfaction that results).
JWs aren't "faith healers", but "faith deathers", since they're willing to inflict harm/death on themselves as a result of their mistaken belief/faith in their blood doctrine. Now that not would be so bad if they limited it to themselves (actually, it's darwinism in action, if you think about it....), except they want to drag their minors into it. Now THAT is wrong, depriving a minor of their life, based on a belief to which no minor can be legally capable to give consent...