Forget about Anonymous for a secound.
Jamesmahon, I found it very interesting that you have enclosed Anonymous and its link but Candace Conti case realated links in your letter to NSPCC. The offender in here is the Watchtower not Anonymous or anyone else. Why trying to exposing and focusing Anonymous instead of the Watchtower and its crimes?? You do sounded like a TRAITOR.
King Solomon, In general, prosecuting and convicting sex offenders especially pedophiles is the hardest thing in the criminal justice(in the US). Realistically, any movement outside of legit authorities, one can expect more Media exposure and long term effect on its target than anything. Just as has been in the case with Scientology.
WMF, In my State, for example, in order to label anyone as a child sexual abuser: if a victim is 13 and younger, the actor is guilty of rape regardless actor's age. If a victim is 14 and older and younger than 18, actor to be 3 years older than victim.(in federal law, actor to be 4 years older than victim). That said, your example of 19 having sex with 15, Sorry whether you like it or not actor is fall into a child sexual abuser list both in State and Federal. Of course Watchtower has their own law and I highly doubt its standard on this area.