Anonymous Message to Watchtower

by jwleaks 343 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • DT

    If I understand it correctly, the Watchtower list of pedophiles only contains names where there were at least two witnesses. That's a pretty high standard. It's possible that a few are innocent, but there would be good reason to remove all of them from any positions of authority. However, it's very plausible that some are still serving as elders or ministerial servants. This would be a pr disaster if the list was released.

    There is also the problem that these people are encouraged to go door to door. I think the public really needs to be made aware of this.

  • cedars

    On the one hand, I believe in some instances the radicalization of our movement can do more harm than good. On the other hand, the very existence of a secret list of pedophiles is "radical" in itself, not to mention highly unethical and unquestionably wrong. Furthermore, any intervention from Anonymous would be an intervention from an outside organization, and not apostates per se (even though they are on our side, and acting on our pleas for help), so the cries of persecution need not be levelled at "wicked apostates" entirely. I agree with OUTLAW that confidentiality is something for the Society to worry about, and not us. They shouldn't have the list in the first place. However, I would still urge caution in the manner in which the list is published, just to avoid any unneccesay legal entanglements for valuable websites such as freeminds and silentlambs. I simply don't want to see the likes of Randy in court for the sake of not conveying the information in quite the right way, that's all. I'm sure he's smart enough, and knows what he's doing.

    One thing's for sure - IF Anonymous pulls this off it will be an unbridled catastrophe for the Watchtower, and will accelerate the decline of the organization. I can only give support to anything that has that kind of outcome, regardless of how 'controversial' the methods may be.


  • baltar447

    Imagine the possibilities. If this information could be leaked and put into a searchable database... Can you imagine the phone calls to HQ? Brother elder is on this list! Can you imagine the new lawsuits? Perhaps a family that were told to "be quiet" about it find out that later this "brother" was caught before and diciplined but YOUR case there wasn't TWO Witnesses! Ohhhh the devastation this would cause.

  • DT

    I bet the Watchtower Society will be more reluctant to send take down notices on YouTube and other sites. It may be their legal right to do so, in some cases, but it is an unpopluar move for a cult to take down information that the public should be aware of. I believe this was a factor in the anonymous attack against Scientology a few years ago. Scientology kept trying to take down that infamous Tom Cruise video and it backfired.

  • cedars

    Another question I have pondered is this:

    "If I were the Watchtower, and I was sitting on a list of 23,000 named pedophiles on a computer hard drive, and Anonymous threatened my organization with extracting that list from my database and publishing it, what would I do?"


    soil myself


    destroying hard drive

    So, is it a race against the clock?



    Good Morning Cedars!..

    I believe any one who has dealt with the WBT$ knows to be careful..

    The WBT$ will be Drowning when this all this begins..

    We can through them an Anchour by Advertising it..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • DT

    I'm sure there are a number of precautions that can be taken to protect that list, but the biggest concern might be the fact that they cant really trust the workers at bethel. If I were at Bethel and had access to that list, I think I would make a copy to protect myself in case I got downsized or was made a scapegoat for their legal troubles.

  • baltar447

    OH where is Johhny the Bethelite when he's really needed?

    So, is it a race against the clock?...Cedars

    The one thing we can Count On is WBT$ Arrogance..

    Yes we have a list..We intend to keep it..

    You`ll never take Mother WatchTower down..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • rebel8

    The pedophile database predates the Conti case.

    PS--Is there any way to confirm the group Anonymous is really involved with this?

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