Oil Companies Are Becoming Afraid

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    No, Bohm, your glib dismissals don't worry me a bit. There are now quite a number of people (with Ph.D's) working on this discreetly.

    The engineering is now the issue, not the basic effect - unless we must consider suppression or their murders as a means to stop this from happening.


  • bohm

    The basic effect is the issue because it has never been demonstrated.

    What will it take for you to realize this is a scam? 1 more year with nothing happening? 2?

    Let me be a prophet again: This will never work.


    A scam? Are you serious? It is not only Rossi that came to the same results. Similar devices appeared many years before.

    IMO Research has progressed a lot and soon they will solve the mystery of the reaction. When that is accomplished they will have available a device with optimum output. It is legal issues that have to be dealt more carefully (Patents, Licenses). If they start selling devices right now all oil companies (and not only) will rush to decompose them and steal the patent. And then forget cheap energy.

  • bohm


    Yes ofcourse its a scam. I am puzzled by why you think other than Rossi has come to the same result since Rossi wont tell how the device work (and ofcourse he has not filed any patents which you would normally do, provided it is not a scam).

    Rossi said he would demonstrate the device worked, then he did nothing of the sort (essentially there are two ways to test the device; one is very complicated but allow cheating, the other is very simple and make cheating extremely hard. Ofcourse Rossi did not go for the later and at least one of the videos is highly indicative of cheating).

    Secondly Rossi promised to ship the device a long time ago and ofcourse nothing of the sort has happened.

    Finally this would not be the first scam Rossi has been involved in.

    Do you want to bet 1000$ this device will conclusively be demonstrated to work within a year?

  • Razziel

    I'm siding with Bohm on this one.

    The posted article is light on science, but since it mentions transmutation (i.e. alchemy) in the absence of tremendous heat and pressure (i.e. fusion), I'll take a guess that the mechanism is quantum tunneling.

    I'll grant that I believe such a thing might be possible in a lab, and quantum tunneling has a lot of applicable uses in electronics and other industries, but I find a hard time believing it can be net-energy positive. Even if it is, I think the efficiency would be insanely small compared with other energy sources, meaning economy of scale would make miniaturization almost impossible. Perhaps these are the engineering difficulties?

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