The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses - Explained

by cedars 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magwitch

    I agree with 00DAD - I would love to know what kind of education these men have had. Since a lot of them started the full time service in their mid teens, it makes one wonder if they finished high school.

    And thank you so much Cedars! Such an interesting read.

  • 00DAD

    Magwitch: Since a lot of them started the full time service in their mid teens, it makes one wonder if they finished high school.

    Exactly! I'd love a look at their transcripts. What do you think Stephen Lett's GPA was in HS? <= 2.1???

    That guy is dumber than a box of rocks.

    Cedars, check your email.


  • QueenWitch

    So, it is unclear how the GB members are actually picked aside from "holy spirit" or "Jesus". Interesting. Why the secrecy on the appointment methods?

  • cedars

    00DAD, I've checked - still nothing!

    Queenwitch - yes, that's an interesting point. All these questions are left to our imagination.

    Magwitch - glad you found it interesting!


  • 00DAD

    I sent it 2 1/2 hours ago. Have you gotten it yet?

  • kurtbethel

    I am amazed to read things about them, like that one "is believed to have born in..." and the other things that are unknown. I am eager to get my next JW visit so I can ask a few questions along this line:

    "Who are these men on the governing body that are running the organization?"

    "Can you name one of them?"

    "When was he born?"

    "Where did he go to school?"

    "What educational qualifications does he have to direct the lives of millions of people?"

    "When was he baptized?"

    "Really? Are you sure he was baptized?"

    "Is there any evidence you can show me that he has repented of sin and wrongdoing?"

    And then the question that all the others are leading up to:

    "If you are so unwilling to learn these basic details about your organization, then how can you be qualified to tell me I should learn anything about it?"

  • cedars

    00DAD - no, the email was never received! My email address is [email protected] if you want to try again?

    kurtbethel - probably most hardened JWs would argue that personal details of the Governing Body are irrelevant because they function as a whole, and/or the work they are accomplishing now is more important than their backgrounds. You would doubtless receive these or similarly evasive responses. It's a shame that JWs in general refuse to look at the Governing Body more closely, and find out where they come from or from where they claim to receive their authority.


  • Sauerkraut

    Read the article yesterday, thanks for the effort. Very informative. I'm still in but my belief in the governing body has been gone for some time now. Funny how between the lines, or not really, they equate themselves with the faithful slave, they might as well get rid of that phrase and be upfront and use govering body everytime. Aarggh.

  • cedars

    Thanks Sauerkraut, I'm glad you found the article informative. I would be intrigued to know, is the Governing Body the only thing you have doubts about - or are there other things? Feel free to PM me or email me. It would be nice to hear from you.


  • 00DAD

    Cedars, that's the email address I sent it to. Check your spam folder. I included an attachment and that often gets things misdirected. I sent it again this morning also.


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