The reason I just can't believe in god

by jambon1 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    So, there will never be an end to evil ?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    So, there will never be an end to evil ?

    As far as I can tell evil may end when you die.

  • Twitch
    So, there will never be an end to evil ?
    As far as I can tell evil may end when you die.

    did he just say that?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    What stupid question.

    Stupid answer?

  • Ucantnome

    Human suffering completely removes the idea of the existance of a loving and caring god.

    The suffering and evil is really awful. We all have suffering in some way or another. I find that if I don't believe in God it doesn't make it any better.

  • Finkelstein

    The reason I just can't believe in god

    Answer .... because there was never any probable evidence of such a thing outside the ignorance or imagination of men.

    One can absorb themselves within that ignorance or not, some people will even say your contagiously evil if you don't.

  • Twitch
    What stupid question.
    Stupid answer?

    It seems grammar isn't your strong suite is it?

  • mouthy

    I WOULDNT SAY THAT Fink!!!I think we can all think what we like.... It doesnt matter what I think. But at least
    it is MY thoughts not the old men in Brooklyns that I followed

  • Nambo

    Yes, the Holocaust, Ive not long finished reading the following book, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine", written by a Jew

    In the book, the Author recounts how in 1948, just 3 years after thier persecutions, the Jews where rounding up Palestinian men and boys aged 10 and over, getting them to dig pits, then kneel in front of them, then shoot them in the back of the head.

    "Never again" I belive is their motto, if you only concentrate on the Jewish sufferings, you will miss out on even worst horrors committed by the likes of Stalins Russia, and even British bomber commands actions resulted in far worst suffering for babies in their Mothers arms than being quickly shot in the back of the head.

    You will find such horrors commited by men all over the world and all over time.

    So, what of God?

    What should he have done for instance in the cases of men of one culture shooting people of another in the back of the head?

    Suggestions and thier consequences eagerly awaited.

  • Finkelstein

    I believe in the human imagination and what can come out of that source, either good or bad.

    Humanistic actions of love, compassion and understanding aren't derived or conceived from a direction of a spiritualistic Deity.

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