Yes they do.......
The Watchtower Society Sends Known Sexual Predators To People's Homes - How Can We Alert The Public?
by DT 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The Oracle
I applaud these efforts.
Few things are more precious than our children.
Getting the newspapers involved is a great tactic. Using the internet to the full is also a good technique.
Emailing links to news stories is a good follow-up campaign.
If everyone takes a few moments to send a few email links, make a call to a newspaper, post some information somewhere on the internet...whatever you can find the time to do - it will have a tremendous collective impact.
There are a lot of good causes out there, but our unique experiences put us in the perfect position to help warn the public and create the proper level of awareness in connection with this good cause.
If our efforts spare one child the indiginity, horror, and damage that is caused by being molested by a JW pedofile the time has been well spent.
Good luck,
The Oracle
Would it help to get some video of known child molesters going door to door? Do you think we could get media attention with that?
Band on the Run
I don't find this issue as serious as the KH one b/c people do have some guard towards strangers and the contact is fleeting. It raises possibilties, though. Imagine if something did happen, for example, and someone could prove that the KH had prior knowledge. There may be no legal liabiltiy but the public will condemn them. The WT thinks the world views them as perfect when the world views no one as perfect. I recall reading that they were supposed to do types of service, such as writing letters, that did not involve physical presence.
Repeatedly, and even more remarakbly, in the WT lawyer's closing arguments in the punitive damages portion, the WT shows a callous disregard for this disorder and crime. Look at what happened to Joe Paterno's statue yesterday.
All groups who send people in homes will have a subsection of pedophiles in them. The notice part is the troubling aspect. Also, some people assume that someone toting a Bible and preaching just can't be a criminal.
This raises other issues that are not clear to me. Does the WT assert privilege for casual studies? Aren't they encouraged to go door to door? I suspect that the cost of defending the Conti case and, even the intermediate bond, will bring some editing to the elders' manual. They can't do it immediately b/c of the context. If they were rational, they would start changing their policy.
My biggest criticsm of them is not their legal stance but their ignorance of how humans sin and not rendering Caesar's things to Ceasar, which Jesus said, and since Jesus is not a WT lit author, He does not count.
DT- My son and I made copies of the several news links releases on the Conti case and left them under car windshields at Kingdom halls . Why not make a bunch of copies and go door to door like JW's do and leave the WT child abuse news releases ? Or better yet, go stand in front of your local Safeway markets or grocery stores and give these to shoppers as they leave or enter the stores. Just a thought on one way to reach the public with these warnings
Could someone with the necessary expertise, I am a 'pooter numbnuts, produce a small leaflet that we could take door to door ?
It could be entitled something like "The Paedophile at YOUR door !", it only needs to be just a brief explanation of the problem and a link/links to more info. on line for the H.H and perhaps a tear off bit that the H.H could hand to JW's that call that also mentioned
I would be willing to distribute a load if I could download and print something like this, it would need to be in a format that we could edit for local spelling etc
(Pedophile/Paedophile etc)
Anybody ?
Band on the Run
I am very impressed by your effort. My only advice that I do not follow to keep it simple. It is better to grab attention with one or two points than a whole lot of points. Word provides good formatting. A lot of white space on the paper is good.
People don't even have to visit website. Spreading the issue is good.
I would not mention how evil the WT is but stick to public facts. Citing the size of the WT may also be effective. Most people believe it is a small religion.
I would use a large size font for the title or headline so people glancing at it can get the message. If they just view it before throwing it away, the message is spread.
I have seen a little flyer on the subject. I'm not sure where you can download it. I think it could be improved based on Band on the Run's suggestions. I don't think it mentioned the do not call list. That would be a good addition. There has also been some talk about postcards.
I would love to see all the suggestions incorporated in to something we could print, and as I said edit, so we could include later ideas or refresh as appropriate.
Mentioning the DNC list is a great idea, the more people who go on it the more it will become apparent to the JW's how innefective they are.