Does anyone know what was said at the 2012 District Convetion about websites?
Subject: JW Forum
Hello All,
After much consideration, in the light of clear directives given at the 2012 District Convetion of Jehovah's Witnesses, we have decided to close JWForum from public viewing.
This means that for the time being, you, as a MEMBER, can still access the information on the site (for reference only) but it is no longer viewable to the public. The Question & Answer forum will remain open for non-witnesses.
Feel free to use any of the information on this site for your personal use and/or copy any answers you found helpful. The coffee (CHAT) room will be closed but for any Witnesses interested in wholesome online association we fully recommend the following site.
The new up and coming WATCHTOWER LIBRARY provides a source for interested persons to find all the information they need about the beliefs and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, and while we sincerely hope this site has been helpful to some, we cannot in good conscience continue to maintain it as a public information source.
We wish you all Jehovah's continued blessing and remain available for any questions you may have about the future of the site.
Best Regards,
JW Forum Administrators