For me all human interaction is personal.
For un-personal interaction we might as well talk to an ATM.
The more educated the person may be the more hidden in fancy
talk the pesonalizing of comments may also be... but the personalizing
is there, it can be found... hard to see perhaps ... but it's there.
For me the more emotionally charged a conversation is, the more human it seems.
When Paul got in Peter's face and called him out on his hypocritical behavior,
now that's something I can believe.
When Jesus makes a whip out of ropes and drives the money changers out
of the Temple... now that I can believe.
When the High Priest called for Paul to be struck on the mouth to shut him up.
And Paul calls evil down on him. That seems very real and human, to me.
Taking things personally is the human way to interact with other humans.
Taking away the personality behind statements makes a human into a machine...
It's like a product of management, administrators posing as robots, hypocrits who
who underneath the all-business, nothing-personal, rationalizations have the
same taking it personal attitude but try to keep it hidden.
In the end it's all personal.
As i see it.