Question for people who believe in Evolution

by ttte36 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    truthseeker100, some things might be forever impossible to prove through direct observation. Esoteric mathematics might be the only means of ascertaining what is true or possible.
  • truthseeker100

    Esoteric mathematics might be the only means of ascertaining what is true or possible.

    I agree Village Idiot.

  • Viviane

    Has anyne considered the answer may be "Because Jesus?"

    Also, drinks!@

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Has anyne considered the answer may be "Because Jesus?"

    Also, drinks!@

    Is this from something or are you having wine? Because it's making me laugh either way. I might just start answering my unreasonable relatives this way.

  • Viviane
    Is this from something or are you having wine? Because it's making me laugh either way. I might just start answering my unreasonable relatives this way.

    First of all, it's reasonable and ridiculosu answer to southern baptists religious family.

    Second, I am a whisky kind iof gal, buster.

  • SimonSays

    Well for evolutionist, the climax would be the confirmation of the Higgs Boson. Science has been trying since 1964 to confirm the miracle of man. It’s only been 51 years in its logic. Although if proven, not only will it dispel the notion of creation, but evolution to. The conclusion that man achieved the God Particle would imply the existence of a higher being. Not God, Perhaps a Theoretical physicist a singular genius with a God complex, and he has been playing with creation for over 100,000,000 billion years according to Degrassi’s insight of the universe, and it took our species (MAN) this long to conclude the same. That means we have become the God complex (MULTIPLE)-(LUCA) for the next cycle of life after ours is complete (HUMAN). So what’s next? How would Human existence interact with the originator or first achievement in order not to be recycled as an intellectual species that is attempting to occupy the same space since the first God Particle has extinct all other creations according to man’s understanding of natural history.

  • SonoftheTrinity

    Maybe intelligent design creationism is true in which case God likes planting false evidence everywhere just for kicks in which case the creator is not omni-benevolent and I would rather answer to God for being an evolutionist than a maltheist, even though I really identify with Jacob, because every religion needs a good trickster.

    The now dead denomination of Zoroastrianism called Zurvanism taught that Father Time created the God of Righteousness (Ohrmazda) and the Devil (Ahriman). Ohrmazda was the Sacrifice involved to create the world, while Ahriman was the Doubt that he felt when he despaired that the world wasnt coming together. From the synergy of Sacrifice/ohrmazda/righteousness and Doubt/Ahriman/Evil the world was created. So while such a theology predates evolution in holding Time or By extension evolutionto be the supreme deity, it also associates Doubt and by extension the Scientific method with evil. Every tradition except the JWs hold Cyrus and the Three Wise men who were Zoroastrians to be righteous, while with the Jehovah's Witnesses, they are held to be instruments of Satan.

  • cofty

    simon says gibberish.

    the climax would be the confirmation of the Higgs Boson

    Already done that. It has nothing to do with "god particle" that is a misnomer. It definitely has nothing to do with evolution.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    If your are referring to humans as being self aware or sentient beings, we are not the only species that are self aware or sentient. Google it.
  • Viviane
    Is this from something or are you having wine? Because it's making me laugh either way. I might just start answering my unreasonable relatives this way.

    So, now that I am back to my normal self (normal for me, anyway), "Because Jesus" is an answer that is often used when people use the Bible to support ridiculous positions. For instance, when someone says they are against gay people because they are a Christian, the answer can be summed up as "Oh, you've decided to be a moron and a bigot because Jesus". The reason that works is because they are completely misunderstanding their own holy book and religion.

    For instance, when Michelle Bachmann, a former congresswoman from Minnesota, says that the president of the US is a secret radical Muslim that is bent on arming Iran with nuclear weapons and destroying Israel and that will usher in the end of days, we can safely say she is saying stupid things and is an idiot, but we say it in a sarcastic manner, like "Oh, well yeah, that makes TOTAL sense, because Jesus", at which point we roll our eyes so hard they detach from our optic nerve and fly out of our skull to escape the stupid our brain just ingested.

    Basically, it's used when people invoke being Christian as an excuse for being stupid, bigoted, hateful or someone else unsavory. And it's used snarkily.

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