Question for people who believe in Evolution

by ttte36 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Viviane
    Although if proven, not only will it dispel the notion of creation, but evolution to. The conclusion that man achieved the God Particle would imply the existence of a higher being. Not God, Perhaps a Theoretical physicist a singular genius with a God complex, and he has been playing with creation for over 100,000,000 billion years according to Degrassi’s insight of the universe, and it took our species (MAN) this long to conclude the same.

    That is some weapons grade wharrggrrble right there.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Humans are the only creatures who do not want to die, can anyone who understands evolution explain this?

    You've got to be kidding! If I ever were facing danger, my cat would leave tracks down my back trying to get away! If animals had no fear of death, why do they flee from predators?

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