The "cause" of homosexuality (From JWtalk) LOL

by yourmomma 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EmptyInside

    I remember a Watchtower study article in the late 1970's,stating that disco music caused rats to engage in homosexual behavior. Can you believe it?

    I was quite young when this article was discussed. My mother asked me if I knew what a homosexual was,and I said,"rats." Children are impressionable.

    But, fortunately,I have moved on from such an explanation.

  • baltar447

    EmptyInside, I can't find the article. Perhaps Blondie can find it.

  • ramerico
  • Balaamsass


    I grew up in an area in the 50s and 60s with a HUGE homosexual community. We had a number of "confirmed Bachelors" and NPGs "non practicing gays" in our hall. I thought nothing of it nor did the JWs I knew then. I think we had about a half dozen gays in our hall. Never thought a thing about it, nor did most of the JWs in my hall.

    When I went to Bethel my first week in the seventies I was astounded by the high percentage of gay men AND by Knorrs bombastic Anti-gay rhetoric. (Especially since his right hand man Freddy Franz, held bible discussion groups wed nights in the sauna).My first week at breakfast 30+ guys were disfellowshipped for gay sex.

    I don't know what he expected -My first year I had 6 different roomates. I KNOW what would have happened if I had been assigned 6 different young SISTERS to room with that year ( I would have stayed!). People are people, a percentage of people are gay. Period.

  • EmptyInside

    baltar-Sorry,I know I read that in a Wathtower or related publication. It could be early 80's,since I probably didn't start reading until then,lol.

    I remember studying the article with my mother. It was over 30 years ago,giving away my age here.

  • talesin

    WT Wizard, I don't usually have any problems with your posts, but this is just not true.

    At least the soy is plausible. Soy contains chemicals that mimic estrogen. That, in excess, can in fact tamper with development of your sexual identity.

    Nope. Not plausible, nor scientifically based. Eating soy *may* help women with menopausal symptoms, but does NOT have any effect on one's sexual orientation. If that were true, post-menopausal women would be 'turning gay' in multitudes.

    Other similar chemicals that can do the same thing are the bisphenols found in plastics, various pesticides, and quite a few different drugs (I would worry mostly about the psychiatric ones). Also suspect would be things like monosodium glutamate and aspartame in your food, fluoride in the water, and too much soy or canola oil and not enough coconut or palm (or natural fats like butter).

    No evidence of this - none whatsoever. These chemicals cause cancer, and other dis-eases, but homosexuality is not a disease! And canola? Are you serious?

    And, we can't forget simple genetics--that can play a role in whether a person becomes homosexual.

    Since sexual orientation is innate, this is possible.

    Another reason is the hang-ups that religions create about sex. Exposing children to same sex children exclusively and dirtifying the mixing of sexes while children are young can shape a child's attitude.

    Absolute hogwash! Reverse the argument - why are many children (JW children) who are ONLY socialized to be straight, gay?

    Also, religions that habitually put people of the same sex for a prolonged period on a project (the Pious-Sneer Assist Program was one such example) can enhance the chances of homosexuality, along with limiting the exposure to the opposite sex. When such religions also practice homophobia, they ought to be ashamed of themselves for this squeeze play.

    As far as I know, the only example of people who are straight, and engage in same-sex coupling, are prison inmates. These men/women are usually not gay, but for reasons of power, sexual frustration, or a need for human touch, they may engage in sex with the same gender, but you can bet your #ss (no pun intended) that once they obtain their freedom, they can't wait to have sex with their chosen preference -- the opposite sex.



  • Jeffro

    Found Sheep:

    He is obvious gay flamboint and isn't shy about it, yet he said he has been with woman.

    This statement represents a common error of associating gender self-identification (or gender roles) with sexual orientation. Flamboyance or femininity are not prerequisites for homosexuality.

  • Quendi

    @ Balaamsass: I read your post with a great deal of interest because it agrees with what others have told me about life in "The House of God". One ex-Bethelite told me that he had been approached more than once by other Bethelites for not just sex but a long-term relationship. Since he is straight, he always declined the offers, but thought that this had to mean there is a large gay underground operating there.

    Another friend who is a NPG and ministerial servant told me that he once considered doing temp work at Bethel and obtained an application. However, once he read through it he decided he wanted nothing to do with this "privilege". There were questions on the form about his sex life, specifically if he had ever engaged in gay sex. Clearly, DADT ("Don't Ask, Don't Tell) did not apply at Bethel! He felt such a question was both intrusive and offensive and so he ended any and all consideration of ever working at Bethel.

    Then he heard a rumor, which he was not able to substantiate, that there were "shower monitors" at Bethel who watched what went on in the showers in case anyone got an erection or engaged in horse-play of any kind. I like to think that rumor was the product of overactive imaginations, but considering the homophobia of the organization, there might be a grain of truth to it.

    You're right to ask what WTS leaders are thinking. You segregate horny young men, many of whom are social misfits and quite a few gay, throw them together constantly, and then think nothing is going to happen. That kind of thinking isn't naive; it's just plain stupid. Gay relationships will occur and even flourish in such a culture as all-male societies and organizations have discovered since the dawn of history. As for N.H. Knorr's homophobic rants, I have often wondered if he wasn't gay himself but never acted on it. I guess we'll never know.



    What causes heterosexuality? Because I have suffered with it for as long as I can remember.

    Is it possible I was born with it - passed on from my parents?

  • Balaamsass

    Quendi, I agree. It is always the people who rant on and on. It is like they have an internal struggle or are doing penance for something.

    The whole "homophobe" deal was never a big deal or "problem" till I went to Bethel. Some of Bethel leadership went on and on about it. What did Shakespeare say about protesting too much? Think about it...does anyone wonder or even care about how the neighbors have sex? Please....that is just too much information....

    The entire focus on how, what, where, why, of sex in JW land is strange.....just why are these old guys so curious?

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