Someone above linked to a jwfacts blog post which talked about the author's publisher file, which it took 3 years to obtain under Australian privacy laws. I somehow had never realized that HQ keeps a file on every publisher containing copies of service records (maybe the originals?), pioneer applications, etc. and disciplinary actions.
His file included a circuit overseer's report which named him personally as having caused others to develop doubts, that there had been a marking talk, which the congregation members were complying with by limiting their social contact with him, and that the overseer talked with the elders about how to form a judicial committee. They considered charging him with loose conduct. All correspondence regarding him appears to have been saved in his personal file.
It's troubling to consider what our own files might contain. I was never reproved or disciplined, but an elder once questioned me about appearing to be too close to a married sister. She was a neighbor, a friend, separated, and didn't have a car. She also had a reputation for not being a prude. Apparently I was reported by someone who had seen us around town and wrongly concluded that we were sleeping together! My answers must have satisfied him, because no further action was taken, but is that in my file? If I had told him to f*** off, I'm sure it would be.
What worries me is that there are people with far more embarrassing stories which might come to light.