About Anonymous they are working on things as we speak!
by life is to short 188 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Witness My Fury
In other words,... I think it is highly unlikely they are going to get THE list any time soon chaps.
The only way is likely thru phishing or social engineering (but both now unlikely to succeed with all the publicity given to this effort!) or internal WBTS leak as the DB is encryped and needs a changing pass key provided by a complex algorithm to open it. Even if they have one key they will most likely need another hidden one that is only sent highly encrypted as well. In other words obtaining a backup of the database is next to useless without the program used to create it and the public and private passkeys used when it was encrypted.
This would be standard proceedure on highly sensitive information.
meh, give them time, i bet they get into it eventually. some of these guys are extremely good.
" . . . highly unlikely they are going to get THE list any time soon chaps." Well, that's a Bummer but we can be patient/have no choice.
One can only imagine the high security this cult has on their criminal activity and, hopefully, they won't get away with it forever.
There's always someone around (Anonymous) who is smarter.
If what they say about this database is true, then some of the names/incidents recorded on it go back not just years, but decades.
A few days, weeks or even months spent decrypting the file would fade into insignificance by comparison.
Difficulty in finding a solution to a problem does not justify resorting to criminal activity to accomplish one's objectives.
I would caution everyone here to be very careful about what you do and even post in support of Anonymous. They continue to be a serious target of the FBI and many of their members have already been arrested. You don't have to actually commit a crime to be found criminally liable as a co-conspirator. Responding to federal charges would be financially devastating, even if the charges are dropped or you are acquitted. There's better things to spend your money on . . .
rather be in hades
the database is one thing, bt there's multiple avenues for exposing the organization and bringing it to it's knees.
if what they say about the financial records is true, that can be just as devastating
144401 -- YOU ARE RIGHT! I agree with you completely -- not saying I like the evil the religions get away with because of all their rights/privileges but that's the way it is.
I think we get too excited (I, for one) thinking something can be done to stand up to evil but the legal system is the answer -- our only protection and, technically, it should work. Looks like this country is getting involved w/religious issues and that's good news. Problem is --- that takes so much money and the Watchtower has the power we don't have and they are unethical --- but this is nothing new in life and they are not unique. The only thing that helps me is to think of all the individuals inside who've sacrificed their lives for the religion and how devastated they'd be probably to the point of doing them in and I don't wish that on anyone. It takes a lot of hope in life!
I can't continue reading about the kingdom hall lawsuit (northern Cal.) post because it will be too discouraging as far as our justice system from what I gathered glimpsing at couple of posts but I'm sure there's plenty of judges/juries out there who want to protect children and are sick of this like we are. Just seems hackers can get the info out and the press to pay attention but it's obviously illegal and fact finding has to be done the legal way.
It's difficult to accept nothing is fair in life regardless of what happens to the religion and the pedophiles and I realize that.
Odd -- I used to wonder why people hated lawyers so much, seriously. I know lawyers who are so ethical and work so very hard and judges who try to be so fair and take their roles so seriously but now I understand what people mean reading how this religion's legal have protected them. I do not know how their lawyers and legal aids live with themselves. It's hard to believe.
LV101: I would like to see the WT go down too, but I doubt Anonymous, even if successful at hacking the WT, will be able to make that happen. Having read some of the threads here, I'm concerned that some here might be exposing themself to serious consequences without realizing it. It's possible, for example, that providing information to assist Anonymous in their activities could result in criminal liability based on a conspiracy allegation. There's nothing wrong with cheering them on, but folks here (and I'm not directing this to you) ought to be careful to avoid personal criminal liability.