Its 4:45 pm here in victoria most of the day gone and I have checked to see how this poll was going in todays papers. Should preists ( and ministers of other religions ) {given}report to police crimes revealed in the confessional ? Note what`s in brackets are my words ,and the article implies it is not only the catholic religion this applies to but all oganizations .
And at this late hour of the day 51% are in favour of religion NOT divulging this information while 49% ARE in favour of the clergy informing the police of a crime committed.
My veiw is : if a preist,elder,pastor or other so called man of the cloth has information of a crime committed and does not inform the police then they are accomplices to the crime and should be held accountable,and if the perpetrator commits further crimes then the preist,etc. are aiding and abetting in those crimes also.
How about having your say