I`m appalled that polls taken by the media in todays papers are in favour of the clergy or elders not divulging crimes to the authaurities when there made aware of it,confessionals etc.

by smiddy 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Terry

    Religious "confession" only makes sense logically and realistically if the person confessing is exposing his/her SIN and vowing to never revisit it.

    By exposing the sin publicly others can support the recovery (as well as avoid the blowback of a backslide).

    The Catholic style "confession" is secret. Nobody knows. No one can lend support or avoid contamination.

    It is anti-social and inverted (maybe even perverted).

    Protecting a secret villain is conspiracy...even when the law is the co-conspirator.

  • botchtowersociety

    In the Catholic Church, violation of the secrecy of the confessional is automatic grounds for dismissal--even if done under the threat of death. Will priests comply with the clergy-penitent privilege? Will people guilty of wrongdoing still go to see a spiritual counselor, where at least they will be counseled to turn themselves in as part of making restitution or amends for their actions?

    But that isn't the only form of privileged communication we recognize.

    Should attorneys be required to divulge confidential information about wrongdoing shared with them and violate the attorney-client relationship? If they violate this confidentiality they are disbarred.

    What about the physician-patient privilege? What if someone reveals wrongdoing to their psychologist or psychiatrist currently protected by these confidentiality privileges? Should we do away with that?

    What about the spousal privilege? Should we get rid of that as well?

  • smiddy

    I thank you for your contributions to this thread : the result of the poll taken was : Should preists report to police crimes revealed in the confessional ? Yes 42%--No 58%

    I think what a lot of people confuse is ,what is a sin----/----- against what is a crime. A sin ? yes that can be between a confessor and his preist , but a crime ? that is something else.

    Isn`t that the problem with Jehovah`s Witnesses ? They don`t distinguish between a sin and a crime and look at the damage that has resulted in destroyed lives of children.

    Religous beleifs and faith, should not outweigh truth and justice,right and wrong


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