I think Sol and I should write our own YPA book.
Let's talk about the worst articles from the WT for young people (YPA articles and others).
by Chemical Emotions 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
King Solomon
OK, there seems to be some confusion on my advice. Let me clarify, kay?
Back to the teens---not that I think you dismembering barbie dolls and fantasizing makes you abnormal, Dears, I'm just uptight.
Yes, I misspoke: "disembodied torsos" is logically impossible, since you cannot remove a torso from itself (the body).
I didn't mean to suggest breastless OR limbless: as NC said, they serve a purpose in the fantasy, as does the sexy upper arm, or a well-formed clavicle, or...... (AHEM!)
What I was originally conceiving of was a fleshbot, a synthetic mass of latex of 90 lbs that has anatomically-correct holes. But the important thing to remember is, NO FACES!!! Faces mean you're able to identify the women, and no identifiable women to look at lustfully means no thought sin has occurred. Gotta keep her abstract, no names! At least, that's how I'm reading Jesus' words....
Carry on: I gotta go take care of something....
Back to Sol---and one more thing, when they bring their dates home, I expect them to have faces!
King Solomon
Back to Sol---and one more thing, when they bring their dates home, I expect them to have faces!
I don't suppose that includes them also having a set of eyes, does it? Eyes are an important element to identifying someone.
I'm thinking about the "if your eye offends you, snatch it out" bit. I'm thinking that one SHOULD work in reverse, too, i.e. snatching OTHER people's eyes out if they offend you?
All I know is, when God is in da' house, someone's blood is gunna be spilled, animal or man.... That's just the way YHWH rolls!
You are really messing up the kids!
All I know is, when God is in da' house, someone's blood is gunna be spilled,
And nuthin' else!
Back to the teens----not that I want to know.
finally awake
I'm so glad i don't have to police my kids' masturbation practices. Just one more reason to be glad I'm free of the borg.
Chemical Emotions
I, for one, am messed up now. Thanks in advance for the nightmares, Sol.
I'd love a YPA along these lines...