Who else, besides me?

by AK - Jeff 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Over the years on JWN I have often found myself hunting through posts of newcomers, hoping against hope I suppose, that the newbie would be one of my former friends in the local congregation down the street.

    I just find it hard to imagine that not a soul among these people has taken the courage to investigate their religion and leave like my wife and I have done.

    As the local 'active apostate', I also supposed that at any moment some of the 'brothers' would come covertly to my home, knock and say something like " I am out - please let's talk about it, why I left, why you left."

    But, none of the above has ever happened. I did come across a local former Jw here, from another congregation, and we have become good friends over the past few years. And of course I have made new friends from, among other places, this forum.

    Something continues to yearn inside for some of those whom I considered for decades to be more than family.

    Anyone else have this happen to them?

    BTW, I am no newbie, as most know, but some may not know. I have been out of the bOrg now for nearly 9 years, but to this date on occasion i see a thread that introduces a newbie here, and I find myself scouring his/her posts to see if just maybe this person is one of my former commrades.


  • jgnat

    Yah, I spent the first few years looking over my shoulder, wondering when the elders would figure it out. Scanned the faces of the goth kids attending the Memorial, wondering if they ever read a post by jgnat. I even attended an ex-JW event sponsoring a talk by Betheny's dad. I put my online tag on my name badge. Nope, nothing, nada Outside of this forum, I'm a nobody. Besides, I'm a girl.

    On the other hand, I've met - in person - some absolutely quality people from all over North America because of connections we've made here on the board.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes, Jgnat, that part is fabulous. I have met wonderful people through this forum. Still, sometimes I wish a car would pull into the drive and a familliar face would emerge looking nervous, waliking swiftly toward my door.....


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Ok, this is better.

    I'm not even physically out yet, but sometimes wonder how many friends and family will ever follow suit (or even lead the way out!) I kind of think it's a real long shot, but you never know.

  • caliber
    Over the years on JWN I have often found myself hunting through posts of newcomers, hoping against hope I suppose, that the newbie would be one of my former friends in the local congregation down the street.

    Yes it has happen to me ... one person I knew from my hall joined JWN... she was much younger than me , just a child in fact... but I recognized her

    eyes believe it or not ! She was very impressed with that .

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    What happened BoC? Could not post earlier? Looks like Talesin had a problem too - is it something I did? I posted with Chrome - wonder if that is the problem

  • Glander

    I have had the same sort of fantasy. I have even phoned people I knew 30 yrs ago and had a brief chat before they ask, "so what congregation do you belong to up there in Oreegon?" There have been a couple of awkward moments but I have never concealed my status at that point. This has resulted in a couple of strange hang ups.

    Hard to know who might be connected, what with all the anonymous avatars and vague personal info. I think in many cases, it is really unneccessary, but so be it.

    If anyone wants to know who I am, just PM and I'll give you my name, address, phone and SS #.

  • leavingwt

    Jeff: One person from my former congregation contacted me. I was able to assist this person in leaving. It brought me a lot of joy.

  • Athanasius

    I know of only one person from my old congregation who is a member of JWN and she hasn't posted in a while. Though I know that she would never go back to the JWs. Most likely she has gone on with her life.

    However, I was at the non-JW memorial service for my sister this afternoon and there were several in attendance for our old congregation who had left the JWs. I would guess that in the US there are just as many ex-JWs as there are active JWs.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I hope, but have never seen a JW that Ai knew come to this other side. I have met with people from JWN (like AKJeff) and met with many Ex -JW from my area from meetup.com. Still haven't encountered any of them. They may be out there on some other path. I wish them well and hope to cross paths someday.


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