November literature offer is.........

by hoser 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    lol. have to feed the beast?

    actually, if the ink was toxic and all that jazz...i think the watchtower society is involved in a dastardly scheme to bring abot armageddon on their own.

    their putting brother against brother

    and ruining the earth.

    we better hope they never get their hands on a snuke. the moment we seem them print something about possible nuclear war in the near fture we need to preach the bad news of their kingdom

  • WTWizard

    Another stagnation month. Approach a house, ring bell, brief 2-sentence introduction to the waste of paper that is the exact same every house, hand waste of paper, ask for donation, write down number, approach next house. That is supposed to be a fulfilling way of life?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    before i answer that, may i ask...

    can i keep the donation to pay for all the kinds of need to safely have a ludicrous amount of consensual fornication?

  • sir82

    Prepping the flock for the time in the not-too-distant future when the "public" WT and Awake are either eliminated or exclusively online.

    Door to door work will be almost exclusively tract work by no later than 2016.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Door to door work will be almost exclusively tract work by no later than 2016.

    Absolutely true. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a tract in the works that directs people right to the new website.

  • punkofnice

    What a loving provision from Jar Hoover! It shows just how close the end is!


  • pontoon

    If they stop publishing "new peak magazine placement numbers" you'll know that tracts are soon to replace mags in field service. If they do that they will just kind of ease it in, maybe have a few parts on how busy people are so this is the more effective way to do it now. Maybe a 90 second bible study out of a tract so they could count more bible studies. Who knows what they'll come up with next, fun to watch though.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Maybe a 90 second bible study out of a tract so they could count more bible studies.

    Or perhaps an 'Instant Study Kit' featuring a tract and two Starbucks Via packets - just add water!

  • wasblind

    Hello there PunkofNice How ya doin' , nice to see ya

    Hello there BOC Looks like the WTS is on some kind of a diet when it comes to their spiritual food

  • OnTheWayOut

    If they put a column for "tracts" in their monthly recruitment slip, the members would place a bazillion of 'em. They only resist because they can't "count" them. A month of special effort in tracts is like a break for the average members.

    Ding Dong.

    I want to leave you this Bible thought. Have a great day, gotta move on, the work is urgent. If you have any questions, there's contact information on the back (for WTBS). Thanks.

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