Protesters at conventions / assemblies...

by garyneal 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    All of this is completely useless, completely pointless.

    Remember KoolAidMan and 2 or 3 of his friends waving banners outside a kingdom hall during the memorial?

    All this serves is some kind of strange mental needs on the part of the protestors.

  • Terry

    The disruptive protests just plays into the stereotype of Apostate under the control of Satan.

    Why give them what they expect?

    Makes little sense.

    A dignified placard that asks an important, not easily dismissed question is hard to come by, however.



    At least it is thought-provoking:)

  • james_woods

    Thought provoking, yes. But it will do far more good on the internet, where doubting JWs can read it in private.

  • yourmomma

    the yelling and extreme stuff doesnt work, imo. but i do think well thought out signs with easy to read website names could work for some. i remember a few times i read flyers as a jw, and they were so full of jesus freak stuff i just laughed. had they been about the pedophile scandal, i would of checked that out.

  • Gros Michel no more
    Gros Michel no more

    Not a rational way to enlight people, yelling and screaming drives peaceful ones far away.

    I am ashamed people behave this indecently, how would his conduct have affected you? The police should have arrested him for harrassment, getting into people's face is wrong. Why did anyone entertain any dialogue with him, he was baiting them all!

    Terry, James Wood and Momma make strong validate points on his worthless approach, will end up as a local needs on "dealing with insane ones!"

  • garyneal

    Thanks for all your comments. I suppose I could see it both ways as some of the points argued both ways. One site leads to another and then another and so forth. That site, for example, leads to if you start digging in for old JW literature (at least it did for me).

    I suppose it is all perspective, but I think we can all universally agree that the protestor illustrated in that video post wasn't helping anyone with his screaming. I would've been uncomfortable going by him myself as a mere passerby let alone a witness who attended that convention.

    The protestors at my wife's convention wasn't shouting or screaming, just simply holding up the signs. I stopped by one and asked her to show me the signs. Then I commented that I recognized two of the websites (the carm site and the 4jehovah one) and I think she also had a link to (or something). Another protestor had a sign that asked about hell being real.

  • garyneal


    I am doing good, thanks for asking.

    I've seen that you are not doing so well, I am sorry to hear that. The advice people have been giving you here is good. Just continue to be a good father to your kids and let the wife act out.

    I think for us, we're doing okay because while she and I are both still believers and have an attachment to our faith, we're also both skeptics now. We talk a lot about the deep questions of faith and find that we can trust each other in ways we cannot trust our other 'fellow believers.'

  • Rocky_Girl

    I have an idea that is very subtle and I have used it in other settings as well. PM me if you are interested (I know the boards are monitored and don't want to give away my favorite anti-witnessing campaign)

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