Help what should I tell my mom?!

by Butterflyleia85 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Butterflyleia85

    I mentioned that to her in the past and it went over her head. She doesn't care about doctrines lol weird but yeah I think alot of that stuff she feels 'faithful and discret slave class' is working out the kinks. I first would have to convence her how important this date was to our own born in religion before she would be like oh wow! She more thribes on social fellowship and this has been our upbringing and this is all we know as the Truth. The fear of researching is great.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades'd you

  • Butterflyleia85

    I already texted my sister that kind of information... blindnomore. It's like she's deleteing it or not regerstering what it really says.

    Maybe I will reword it again the way you said it. But she's been ignoring my messages for a long time now. (from history when we were little I was always the good guy and she was the wild one getting into trouble a small part of me feels like she is enjoying the upper hand. and well she hated when i "treated her like her mother" or "i was always right".)

    I only have my mom to reach my sister I feel.

    Just now text my mom after she apoligied for she saying "sorry for putting distance between me and my sister" : No mom it's not your falt at all we always been this way infact if it wasn't for you we probably would have never seen eachother for these past few years.

    It has always been this way it's just now she's blackmailing you and I feel she's partially jealous with all her dedication and sees how happy we are and not doing a thing for the organization. (I roull my eyes) ridiculous. but that's just my thoughts.

    My mom's responce: She has her dad's personnality which he used his kids to blackmail the grandparents.

    (I don't really like when my mom says that just because I think that's way my sister hates me. my mom doesn't favor me it's just my mom and sister just now are starting to understand eachothers feelings. being that my mom's a sweet tender soul and my sister has a get over it attitude and lets not talk about emotions.) Any ways it's a mess...

    Thanks for alot of you guy's suggestions... I guess I will work on talking to my mom.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Butterfly: You have a PM


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "it was Luke 14:26... it means that i have to love Jehovah's above all else... Even that of my own flesh and blood..."

    That text is certainly no basis to treat your mother like trash. Jesus was talking about the cost of discipleship. I don't have WT Lib on hand, maybe somebody can give some references.

    The "hate" in Luke 14:26, even WT says, means "love less." Jesus also said there, "hate their own soul," he wasn't talking about becoming self-destructive any more than he was talking about shunning your mother. The point being, Christians are supposed to love their family, but love Jesus even more, in order to become an anointed disciple. Following verses are about leaving the 99 for the lost sheep and the prodigal son parable. Jesus never gave an example of treating one's family like sh!t the way WT practices.

    And it's not that your sister is doing this out of loyalty to God or Christ. It's all about yielding control and responsibility to a publishing corporation.

    Mark 7:10-13 comes to mind. Jesus condemned the hypocracy of neglecting one's parents under the excuse of "corban", an obscure part of the Mosaic Law. Your sister needs to turn her brain on and think as critically about WT teachings as she thinks critically about her own mother.

  • Butterflyleia85

    Excellent info Bill the Ex-Bethelite! I can defiantly use that for my mom... she asked me not to text my sister and was just talking to me to sort out her thoughts. So I will defiantly share the info to her. She will apressiate it. Though I wish I could give my sister my two cents... I wont.

    I wish I could add "Mom my sister needs to turn her brain on and think as critically about WT teachings as she thinks critically about you" ha but I think it would go over her head cause my mom still needs to face the facts eventually (Truth about the truth as we mentioned two years ago Bill, you were my first post and well thanks for posting again!) or will I guess she can live inslaved depressed and single (she has worldly boyfriend right now).

    I hope I can be as affective as you all have been for me.... you and others basicly saved my life. :)

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    rootin' for ya. if she's to the point she has a worldly bf, then it would seem to me that she kinda wants out already.

  • Butterflyleia85

    Yes your right rather be in hades... I know she does. She's doing a tug of war right now. I just don't want to mess this up and I want her to be happy! :)

    I want her to have all the time she needs. But also so some seeds in to give her something to think about... nothing to complex but just little info here and there.

    I do recall leaving the COC book for her to read a year ago... I wonder if she's even looked at it. I'm not going to say anything about it but one day I hope she picks it up. It such a help in understanding what really goes on in the governing body headquarters.... also helps see the struggle and that they are men... blind leading the blind.

    That's a different story though. ;)

    Thanks agian rather be in hades! I'm reading your story as we speak btw.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I've read your story {rather be in hates}wow you have done alot of excellent research... take it from me I told my sister all of that and will now she won't speak to me. I informed my mom alot of what you said and she keeps silent. She doesn't want to know basicly too out of fear and confusion.

    It's all good info but it will go over their heads. I have experienced that. It more like if something bothers them about the organization you can use that to your advantage and share a bet of what you learned and get her to think. I think that is why my mom is more understanding when I say things like I don't feel the organization has the truth. But for her she still has hope! I respect that... that just shows she has and wants faith in God... but sadly she hasn't reconized the organization is preventing her for the true love and compation God intended.

    Small steps...

  • 00DAD

    Butterflyleia85: I love u so much and i know this hurts, because it hurts me to even have to say these things ... She told me that I was bad association becasue I'm not going to the meetings... And she could not associate with me until I go back to the meetings.

    Sorry you're having to deal with this. It is painful to be sure. It's hard to understand how they can say and do these things and believe that they are being loving.

    Butterflyleia85: Luke 14:26... it means that i have to love Jehovah's above all else

    Even if you accept what that scripture says, loving Jehovah above all else does NOT mean to treat your family members badly.

    This is one messed up religion. It is all about manipulation and control.

    Be strong for yourself and your mother. Be an example for your sister.

    Hang in there!


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