Anthony Morris III shares his thoughts on eternity...
by cedars 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What the F***?!
Seriously? Wow....just wow... and he's one of the GB...
No wonder JW doctrine is not changing and getting worse...
Such emptiness, nothingness!!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Wow, what a stupid analogy!
He should have just gone with "Think of the sound of one hand clapping. Once you think about that the devil is finished. Now who wouldn't want to be the leader of an international cult spewing stupid crap like that and getting treated like the pope?"
Soldier 77, Gayle, Billy - I know what you mean. I have loads of this sort of stuff from a talk he gave two years ago (in which he REALLY lets himself go!) - but this particular recording is hot off the press from the Special Convention in Dublin, Ireland, earlier this month. I feel sorry for the specially approved "delegates" who forked out so much money to attend, only to be treated to this kind of "wisdom" - from a revered Governing Body member no less. It does make you wonder whether men like him can be trusted to preside over a worldwide religion with millions of adherents, and decide on delicate matters of doctrine that so dramatically effect people's lives.
Back in my young jw past, people would come to the convention hoping that a GB member would share "secret" info or his personal ideas. A couple of times I knew they were off the official WTS page and were reeled back. Do GB members still go off script at conventions or is this a WTS produced and approved script? What is not so scary that he says these things but that the WTS allows it....(was this the only convention this info was given by other speakers?)
Wait, so I'm confused...HOW big is the steel ball?
For as long as I can remmeber, living for eternity was a terrifying thought. The idea of it seems exhausting.
I dont know what to say to this.
I'm not trying to sound supportive of the WT or GB in the least, but what exactly is wrong with this analogy? It DOES give you a sense of how long eternity would be, and it WOULD only just be the beginning. Sure, I'll agree that it's "simple" but let us all remember the audience with which he is speaking to? It's not exactly made up of Carl Sagan's, ya know?
The part that really gets me, is how is makes sure to dig the dagger in and twist it about how "some of us" will be spending it with Jehovah, while the rest of the pee-ons have to endure eternity on Paradise Earth!!! Never mind that the Universe is filled with possibly "billions upon billions" of galaxies with billions and billions of planets to explore.....Nope!! Mankind is to be stuck on this spec for eternity. How easily they forget that "New Scrolls" are to be opened at some point, and there are endless possibilites to be had.
In short, this guy sounds very effiminate (isn't that a no-no in JW Land?) and is quite frankly simple-minded, or possibly just likes "talking down" to the rank and file. Hey, how much gold jewelry was this self-righteous posuer wearing that day?
- Wing Commander
Room 215
..."eternity"and its sister concept "infinity" aren't concepts that require simplistic elaboration; we, burdened with the inevitability of a finite existence, have no problem comprehending them.