I'm after the "collector's edition" talk (removed from YouTube) that featured a plagiarised illustration!!
The video is gone, but for those wondering, the plagiarized illustration had a parakeet carrying a grain of sand to a distant location until an impossibly huge task was completed.
Lett's version :
The parakeet traveled from a Florida beach with one grain of sand and dropped it in the Grand Canyon every 10,000 years until the GC was full, and that's the beginning of eternity.
“Have you ever really wondered how long forever is? Let me just give you a little illustration to help us appreciate how long forever is, which is the prize for those that do jehovah's will. Now you've got to have a lot of imagination for this. I want you to imagine the Grand Canyon. Huge, vast. You walk to the edge, it makes you dizzy. You look down, the Colorado River looks like a little trickle going through there, but really it's a big, rushing, rolling river. You're so far away that it looks small in the distance. Now imagine that a little tiny parakeet goes to a beach in Florida and gets one tiny individual grain of sand in its beak. He flies back over the middle of the Grand Canyon and drops it in the Grand Canyon. Now another parakeet does this, ten thousand years later... takes a piece of sand and drops it in the Grand Canyon. This process is repeated over and over again... one grain of sand every ten thousand years. Now you can imagine how long it would take to fill up a teaspoon. But when that process is repeated over and over again, until the Grand Canyon is totally filled... in fact, it's not only filled... there are huge mountains where the Grand Canyon used to be. There's snow in the top of these mountains. People are skiing out of the top of these mountains. (Audience laughs.) When that happens... forever has just barely begun. (Laughter.) Now I probably gave you a headache. (More laughter.) But don't miss that prize of everlasting life.”
John Ankerberg's version (TV evangelist):
A parakeet repeatedly traveled to the moon, a trip requiring 1 million years in each direction, to deposit one grain of sand until all the beaches and deserts of the earth were devoid of sand, and that's the beginning of eternity.
"John Ankerberg illustrates eternity by comparing it to the efforts of a parakeet to move sand!. Let's say you commanded a parakeet to pick up a single grain of sand in its beak, fly to the moon, and drop it off. Let's say it takes one million years for the parakeet to get to the moon. He puts the grain of sand down and flies back to earth. It takes a million years for him to get back. Let's say that the little bird systematically transferred one grain at a time all the sand from the beaches and deserts of all the earth until there was not even one grain of sand left on the earth. If you could add up all of the millions of years it had taken to remove all of the sand from all of those places, eternity would just be beginning.'"
For anyone wanting to read more, the JWN thread, from which the above quotes are taken, is here,
The Lett/Ankerberg parakeet analogy along with Anthony Morris' fly illustration shows the GB has a fascination with tiny creatures doing impossible tasks. Their approach seems to suggest that eternity itself is impossible. Otherwise why use such silly illustrations?