it is indeed impossible for one to not feel the compulsion to commend you for the brilliant analysis you have done. While you do not come to the same conclusion as those having unshakable belief in the inspired expression (see the yeartext, which exhorts all christians, and others who wish to take to mind the Written Word to Stand firm with Conviction), your meditation on the inspired account must be commended. This shows, clearly, that you have spent time, doubtless prayerfully, to carefully consider this account; this can be compred to the 'roving' that was prophesied by the great Prophet Isaiah regarding the end of times. You are well aware of the activity of the Faithful Slave in this selfless pursuit.
As the one named dungbeetle has clearly pointed out, the word translated 'fox' can doubtless not refer only to the animal known today as the fox. No, that cannot simply be so, or else, the account might prove to be in error, as you have shown. May it here be then suggested that you take a closer look at Hebrew words, for a clear understanding of their deep and varied meanings. This will undoubtedly be of great help to you, seeing that you are much given to great learning and careful consideration fo the inspired word. Could it be also that you have missed out the prophetic significance of the account involving Samson, the Judge? could it be that in your search for physical coherence, you miss out the larger reality of the account? Really then, the story need a closer look, with more prayer and meditation.
I have not enough time to engage in a repudiation of the deceptive reasoning in your current post, but will give you a complete reply, carefully thought out, in due course. In the mean time, may you take to heart the following words, uttered to another who has furiously, and consistently attempted to destroy confidence in the written word. (A topic was started along the same lines by one who has made it his occupation to needlesly string stories together, in an effort to discredit them. As you would cleary see in the same thread, even those viciously opposed have stood up for the truth. This indeed, may the beginning of an openingpf eys for such ones, for they engage in fruitful activity, namely, standing up for the truth and what is true). Could it then be that these things are simply too wonderful for you to discern? Be careful so that you are not carried away, just as Eve, the mother of all those living, was also carried away by the deceptive resoning of the Devil, who is also called Satan.
You do a good job of casting doubt on the Bible, but you keep forgetting about the abilities of the One that inspired it. Regarding your conclusion that there was absolutely no way that Jonah could've survived such an ordeal, don't you think that its possible that the One that directed the fish so that it would swallow Jonah could at the same time provide the means for Jonah to survive while inside the fish, in the same miraculous fashion?
I wish you the peace that transcends all human understanding.