I've gotta bump this thread. This morning when I was getting dressed, for some reason Samson's story was in my head. I started to do a thread on it, but I'm glad I did a search first. Good thread. What do you guys and gals think? Is this story legit, or fictitious?
The story of Samson
by Simon 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
Are anyone else hoping Farkel would retell the Samson story in his usual scholary fashion?
I believe it's a true story.
I especially like this account: Judges 15:8 And he smote them hip and thigh with a great slaughter: and he went down and dwelt in the cleft of the rock of Etam. ASV
Google Amarna Letters or Strong Is He Who Has Come Down to see how the nation of Israel and its God was viewed by the people surrounding them.
Didn't the Philistines have any archers?
How would Samson bear up after being on the receiving end of 20 or 30 salvos of arrows shot by multiple archers?
Would have ended the story, wouldn't it?
Amarna Letters
Didn't the Philistines have any archers?
Here is the letter of the ruler of Jerusalem asking for help from Egypt. He needed archers to defend against the, ahem, "Hapiru."
and yet again, please send us some archers, Pharaoh! These Hapiru are driving us up a wall!
What a fantastic trove, Snow!
Still more: http://www.bible-history.com/archaeology/israel/lachish-letters.html
"Let God be true, though every man be a liar."