To sum up what we have discussed so far:
If you buy a Hershey bar anywhere in the world it would taste the same as one purchased in Pennsylvania. That is quality control.
One brand and one flavor.
Christianity, however, is (and always has been) an illusory brand name. No matter where you sample the flavor throughout the world there is a completely different flavor to be experienced!
Paul, I'm asserting, was the successful purveyor of the first official flavor to overtake (and replace) Jesus' own flavor.
Here is the family tree:
1.Jesus' actual words and teachings (now lost to the world as a certainty) replaced by oral versions and written semblances (none with authenticity).
2. Jesus' follower's version of events.
3.Paul's restructured deconstruction of "meaning".
4.Catholic institutional orthodoxy
5.Protestant debunking and re-seeding of orthodoxy
6.Sectarian and cult variations on a theme
7.Free lance idea mongering by mystical assertion only