Have you ever heard a talk on child molestation following a judicial reproof?

by NVR2L8 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • NVR2L8

    When someone is reprimanded by a judicial commitee there is usually a talk given to the congregation about issues that leads to serious sins. Sometimes that talk takes you by surprise because the reproof was private and no announcement was made to the congregation. Other times you figure out why an individual was the object of a judicial commitee...I heard talks on the usage of drugs, cigarettes, pornography, bad forms of intertainment, fornication, adultery, fraud, gambling, disapproved medical treatments...but never on child abusers and mostly how to protect your children against this terrible crime.

    Do you think the reason there is never mention of child abuse is that if many knew there is a child molester in their midst they would pressure the elders to go to the autorities? Would it create a movement of panic and many would simply go to another congregation? Would they just trust that the elders have everything under control?

  • Sheep2slaughter

    Nope. I know for a fact of one molester that was in our hall. He was disfellowshipped and his wife divorced him. No talk and no warning. His victim was not a witness but took place at his place of employment. He is a registered sex offender now but even when he switched congregations no warning was given. I am close to the elder body over at his new hall and asked why no warning was given. He said they can't publicly but that if he is reinstated he will personally warn everyone. We will see.

  • earthfire

    That is just so wrong. It's like letting the fox in the hen house because he said he won't take a bite.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I wish had known that the local needs parts were addressing actual transgressions in the local congregation. I was so clueless that I never realized that there was any relationship. The only time I was ever aware of the backstory was when an MS got deleted for gambling - he played the penny slots in Las Vegas and made the mistake of saying something about it in front of an elder's children. I don't even remember if there was a local needs part addressing the issues Just Ron had with one of the elders.

  • flipper

    NVR- Very good thread and very valid point. No, I never heard a child abuse local needs talk EVER given at a Service meeting in 44 years I was in the JW's from birth. And you are right in your assumption. WT society wouldn't allow elders to do that because it would ceate panic in the rank 7 file JW's AND it would cause some to go public either to police or media with the problem- and a cult like the WT society doesn't want undue attention given to it 's activities- even if the activities are illegal

  • Morbidzbaby

    Nope. We had a pedophile in our congregation who had molested numerous children and was finally reported to the police. He was disfellowshipped, arrested, and put in prison and his wife eventually divorced him... Yet no talk was ever given.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Not a pedophile per se but a child pornographer who went to prison - got caught in a sting.

    No, I don't believe there was any 'talk'. . . but the poor single mom who had a one-nighter with a guy from the office? Yeah, we heard all about that from the platform.

  • NVR2L8

    "Delicate" subjects have been discussed publicly in the presence of young children such as oral sex, perverted sex practices, masturbation or abstinence certain days during the menstrual cycle...so there is no excuse for not warning children against molestation. Instead wasting resources making a totally useless Sparlock video they could spend their energy helping kids recognize when "uncle Bill" affection is actually molestation.

  • hoser

    I had the PO of our congregation warn me of a molester, privately. I saw him in town one day and he said" you're not supposed to know about this

    but brother ----- that lives down the street from you is a molester. You have small children and you should watch them."

    yea if he hadn't broken the rules I wouldn't have a clue that brother regular publisher/commenter at meetings was a child rapist. No indication from

    the local needs whatsoever.


  • JakeM2012

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