Never ever in 55 years. Yet, I have heard numerous announcements with talks marking teens both baptized and unbaptized for kid stuff like underage drinking, skinnydipping, etc.
Have you ever heard a talk on child molestation following a judicial reproof?
by NVR2L8 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Never ever in 55 years. Yet, I have heard numerous announcements with talks marking teens both baptized and unbaptized for kid stuff like underage drinking, skinnydipping, etc.
raises the question if there is an official policy on not giving talks in this circumstance
any Shepherd The Flock experts?
Not once in 44 years across two continents and many congregations.
And yet I am certain that there must be at least 100,000 cases a year.
I base this view on the physically, socially, ethically, emotionally, mentally, morally and spiritually deleterious, destructive, hostile and evil religious spirit that pervades the Watchtower Sanhedrin and Pharisees (ruling religious clergy class).
I also base this view on my wife's experience of being raped for 7 years from age six. My wife's mother both coached and protected my wife's rapist who last we heard remains an elder in good standing. I have no doubt he too bats for the perpetrator in sexual abuse cases whilst ostracising and threatening victims.
Contact an attorney - tell him to google Candace Conti
To Fernandos wife.... I am deeply sorry you had to endure this horrific abuse. I hate this cult more everyday. Im so glad you all got ouy Fernando.
No. The Elders™ never bothered to tell my parents that they had assigned a molester to the Book Study™ in our house. The Elders™ figured they'd protect their own daughters and throw me under the bus instead.