When you see some beautiful creations, then they say that Jehovah is wonderful...

by Iamallcool 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is quite a bit of produce around that didn't exist a few decades ago that you can use as examples of nice things that Jehovah didn't create. When using this, I pick on something that is familiar to the target audience & that was developed during their lifetime.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Those big beautiful 'double' flowers are hybrids. Creations of man. They are no use to bees as they have no nectar they can get at.

  • outsmartthesystem

    I have always loved that the excuse for humans is that "Adam sinned......and sin spread to all men and death through sin" blah blah. But.....how does that explain animal behavior? Why do baby Great Whites eat one another in the womb? (already mentioned) Why do parasites that can only destroy life even exist? If the answer is "Adam sinned"......how does one man's sin change what a parasite was created to do?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Outsmart said:

    I have always loved that the excuse for humans is that "Adam sinned......and sin spread to all men and death through sin" blah blah. But.....how does that explain animal behavior? Why do baby Great Whites eat one another in the womb? (already mentioned) Why do parasites that can only destroy life even exist? If the answer is "Adam sinned"......how does one man's sin change what a parasite was created to do?

    Don't be silly: those are only ANIMALS. You know: the life forms to be subjugated, dominated, killed, eaten, sacrificed, etc. It's not like they have souls, or feelings. Those animal rights activists are just over-thinking things, using their over-active imaginations to tell themselves they have feelings. ;)

  • Knowsnothing

    Listen, maybe the parasite that burrows into your eye had a wonderful purpose before the flood. The flood made Jehovah angry. Something about rainbows not existing as an inherent property of light before the flood. Armageddon will wipe away your tears with a radioactive shockwave, and there will be everlasting nuclear fallout. The dead will cry out no more, for they will be dead. (Rev. 21:3,4) Mosquitoes will drop human blood like it's hot, and gorge themselves on the sweet, sweet nectar of mangos. Or was that apples?

    Sharks will sunbathe with octopuses, lions will be snacking on granola bars, and the mere young child will place their hand upon a couple of drum sticks, and with all the dexterity of a professional musician, make a sweet noise emanate from the fangs of a tamed wolf. Wait upon Jehovah, and see all this come to an earth near you.

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Don't be silly: those are only ANIMALS. You know: the life forms to be subjugated, dominated, killed, eaten, sacrificed, etc. It's not like they have souls, or feelings. Those animal rights activists are just over-thinking things, using their over-active imaginations to tell themselves they have feelings. ;)"

    "Listen, maybe the parasite that burrows into your eye had a wonderful purpose before the flood. The flood made Jehovah angry."

    Of course you are being facetious, but it is replies like this that make me want to put my head through a wall. (and my fist through the face of fundamentalist christians) Allright....playing the part of devil's advocate (a creationist), I get that all animals are lesser life forms. They were meant to be in subjection to man and meant to be dominated. Whatever. But they still feel pain. They still have fear and anxiety. Aren't we as Christians supposed to be compassionate towards that? Moreover, that still doesn't answer the question. Why create somethiing that is going to canibalistically (not sure if that's a word) eat its sibling? So what if animals don't have everlasting souls? So what if they lack the prospect of "everlasting life"? Why create them with the propensity to destroy one another?

    And....again....why would the flood change anything? I understand if the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster was mad at humans.......but when he said "I shall now make this parasite burrow into eyeballs so humans will know how wrong they are".......did he not realize that this parasite would also burrow into the eyeballs of animals? Maybe he did but he didn't care because animals are lowly anyways? Maybe he just views it as collateral damage? That's a real loving thing to do. Perhaps if I am ever mad at a single person......to get back at hiim.....I'll release some anthrax into a room full of people. That'll show him.

  • WTWizard

    Truly idiotic. But the most idiotic thing I have heard on these lines is that Jehovah loves us as individuals because the atmosphere is around 21% oxygen, the sun is roughly 150 million kilometers from the earth, and so on. That means nothing for us today--had Jehovah just done that for Tyrant David, and he only loved Tyrant David, would it be easier for him to leave conditions so others can live and suffer enslavement under his descendents or himself at some later time?

    Truth be said, Jehovah would deprive me of every ounce of pleasure he could get away with. The pleasure that manages to get through, he expects copious praise for--which he isn't getting. What about all the many times Jehovah has stopped Satan and His Demons from getting the opposite sex into my life? Jehovah has used his angels to maneuver the environment to make it impossible and highly offensive for me to even try, and he is determined to see that my soul never sees anything different. Preventing some potentially wonderful creatures from being born in doing so--perhaps one of them solving our social problems, getting some sense into the government, finding a cure for cancer and diabetes, opening up infinity dimensions so global crowding and resource depletion become impossible--all lost because Jehovah felt like having a little fun. This means YOUR son's cancer, YOUR daughter's allergies and asthma, YOUR grandson's heart disease and diabetes, the Super Grand Depression of the 2020s and 2030s, are being held hostage to Jehovah's intolerance for my pleasure. Along with everyone else's.

    Anyone still think Jehovah is wonderful? If you do, after realizing this, you are being blinded by the spell the angels have cast and are responding to their creation of the environment that renders it so highly offensive for me to even try to meet the opposite sex. It is wholly Jehovah's and his angels' fault.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    HoaB: "EVERYTHING WAS GOOD, .......... then Adam sinned n stuff went outta control and all this other stuff wot freaks us out was 'cus of SIIIIIN."

  • scotoma

    Don't forget the elongated penis like vaginal canal in hyenas. The first pregancy rips open the narrow canal and 60% of the pups die in the process.

    Some will probably say it shows Jehovah has a sense of humor. Oh! That's why Hyenas laugh so much.

    And then there are the zombie ants whose brains are taken over by a mold and forced to crawl to a leaf midway between the ground and tree top where the humidity is perfect for the growth of the mold. The ant locks onto the under part of the leaf and eventually the mold sends a stalk with a spore body right out the top of the ants head. Beautiful.

    Kimodo dragons are neat too. Their septic bite sickens the victim so it dies of infection. The putrid odor lets the kimodo know when the victim is ready to be eaten.

    Cookie cutter sharks are worth a look-up. They take nice circular plugs out of the sides of dophins.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    LOL, Billy: even an extinct dinosaur can see the illogic in the scenario....

    OSTS said:

    Aren't we as Christians supposed to be compassionate towards that?

    Ahhh, I see your problem: all of the "do not kill" commandments only apply to fellow members of the in-group (fellow Israelites/Jews), just like "do unto others" applies to fellow Xians and not heathens. Compassion applies to humans, not animals.

    (although there ARE examples of early Hebraic laws against animal cruelty, eg there's the law that a newborn first-born animal should NOT be sacrificed until the 8th day, so Mommy lamb gets a nice chance to bond with the offspring before it is killed. That seems more humane, right?

    They had a rule that baby lamb shouldn't be killed in front of the mother, since THAT was considered cruel.... They also outlawed the cruelly-ironic meal that was prepared by boiling the animal in it's own mother's milk: that's just WRONG!)

    So as you see, the Torah is really a moral break-though in animal's rights, offering humane treatment of animals that was unparalleled in the ancient World (and it had BETTER be, given all the animals harmed during the making of the film).


    Moreover, that still doesn't answer the question. Why create somethiing that is going to canibalistically (not sure if that's a word) eat its sibling? So what if animals don't have everlasting souls? So what if they lack the prospect of "everlasting life"? Why create them with the propensity to destroy one another?

    Hey, I didn't write the plot. If you don't like it, write a letter to your Congress person (esp if it's Michelle Bachmann: she's supposedly got connections with the Policy Maker)!

    And....again....why would the flood change anything? I understand if the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster was mad at humans.......but when he said "I shall now make this parasite burrow into eyeballs so humans will know how wrong they are".......did he not realize that this parasite would also burrow into the eyeballs of animals? Maybe he did but he didn't care because animals are lowly anyways? Maybe he just views it as collateral damage? That's a real loving thing to do. Perhaps if I am ever mad at a single person......to get back at hiim.....I'll release some anthrax into a room full of people. That'll show him.

    Hey, organize a boycott on spaghetti: gotta hit them in the pocketbook, putting your money where your spaghetti normally would go (or something like that).

    WTWizard said:

    What about all the many times Jehovah has stopped Satan and His Demons from getting the opposite sex into my life? Jehovah has used his angels to maneuver the environment to make it impossible and highly offensive for me to even try, and he is determined to see that my soul never sees anything different.

    Uh, that may NOT be angels doing that, i.e. i don't know you, but have you ever considered using a breath mint? :)

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