The MYSTERY of the Society's BETH-SHAN secret cult compound

by Terry 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    When I became a Jw I had no previous knowledge of any Jw history. Everything was new to me about the wtbs and so never in my wildest imagination did I even consider many things I later found out. I look back now and realize I didn't ask questions that maybe I should have but truth is stranger than fiction.

  • Terry

    The family that tutored me in JW ways had the down low on a lot of the historical faux pas of the Society. They told me about them

    and just chuckled like, "Oh that's so cute."

    Cognitive Dissonance of a high order.

  • Terry

    Was just sitting at a red light with a convertible next to me. Their radio was on. the middle of a religious program I caught a snippet of conversation in which the words, "Jehovah's Witnesses" and "Beth-Shan" but--the car drove away without me knowing what the hell the CONTEXT was!

    I turned on my radio and kept chaning stations both FM and AM but couldn't find anything.

    I wonder what it was all about?

    It made me find this topic I started awhile back so I could post this on it.

    ANY IDEAS? 99% of active JW's have never heard of Beth-Shan but maybe have heard of Beth-Sarim.

  • Pistoff

    I never saw this when it was posted, this is just incredible.

    A compound!

    How David Koresh of the judge.

  • Pistoff

    Beth Shan does not seem to be intended for the Bethel family, it is in CA and does not seem large enough to house more than the Judge and his entourage.

  • nonjwspouse

    I agree pistoff, and this created by non other than the "direct and only mouthpiece for God, the FDS" according to the WT society.

  • Finkelstein

    I wonder how much disclosure the WTS. under Rutherford put out about the two properties while they were being used and developed ?

    Its strange that the JWS back in the day didn't blink a eye in how Rutherford lived within his lavish lifestyle as being their spiritual leader.

    Which brings up how other religious charlatans get a way living like multi-millionaires today and yet people still dump money toward these people.

  • *lost*

    great thread

  • gma-tired2

    I grew up as a JW in California and this was never mentioned. Hiding JWs history. Isn't this what they critisized the Catholic Church for?

  • Pistoff

    I was raised a witness, born in the '50's, never heard of either Beth Sarim or Beth Shan.

    Never read anything in print, or heard anything at all discussed either at meetings or in private about these 2 crazy building projects.


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