The MYSTERY of the Society's BETH-SHAN secret cult compound

by Terry 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    The only disclosure these properties do is expose just what a culpable fraud this organization is and was.

    I grew up in part of the 50's and the 60's, 70's a part of the 80's and not once were these properties mentioned

    by the WTS.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I wonder how much Coca-Cola stock is owned by the WTB&TS or one of their false-front businesses?

  • Terry

    I wonder how much Coca-Cola stock is owned by the WTB&TS or one of their false-front businesses?

    Well, Nathan, things do go better with Coke!

  • Hortensia
    His sister (who was also a JW) was married to a man who would become the president of the World Bank.

    I seem to remember an article from a long long time ago -- Awake? -- by this woman who was married to the president of the World Bank. It was about her ability to preach to highly placed people whom she met because of her husband's prestige. Am I imagining things? Does anyone remember this?

  • Terry

    When I became a Jw I had no previous knowledge of any Jw history. Everything was new to me about the wtbs and so never in my wildest imagination did I even consider many things I later found out. I look back now and realize I didn't ask questions that maybe I should have but truth is stranger than fiction.

    The fact that 99% of all the things said, published, taught and changed by the Watchtower Society is a waste of brain space should alert

    any active witness that the "truth" is an endangered species of whim and not fact! Beth Sarim and Beth Shan were two such whims made real

    by money donated to a worthless cause by misled people whose lives and fortunes were wasted.

  • Vidiot

    And people are still skeptical about a bunker complex at Warwick...

  • jwleaks

    On the JW LEAKS web site there is a set of extensive documents and blue prints relating to the new world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Warwick, New York. Many of these plans feature the locations of an extensive underground network of tunnels and tunnel/walkways, officially referred to as "below-grade tunnels" which link building to building from one end of the complex to the other end. Also the project has extensive below grounds work all accessed via tunnels.

    The multi-level parking struture, 870 parking spaces, also has extensive below ground level works.

    The official reason lodged by Watchtower for their extensive underground constructions and tunnels was "to reduce the amount of impervious surface area on-site." (Stormwater Prevention Plan) No other reason was given for the tunnels, not even all-weather access.

    Extensive below-level earthworks adjacent to corporate offices and tunels are being carried out for the purpose of creating huge "sand filters" for stormwater run-off.

    Also, a total of 26 "soil borings" were carried out around the site and 18 "test pits" were dug in close proximity to the main key buildings. None of these were on locations where any buildings were to actually be built/redeveloped. They are not soil testing for any registered building constructions. In conjunction with this, extensive "high-water table testing" was done on the adjacent Sterling Forest Lake even though all proposed new buildings and redevelopments are located at least 10 feet above any existing high-water level. The area was also mapped for high groundwater locations. An extensive "Geotechnical Engineer Report" was prepared for this.

    Bedrock was found approx. 10 feet below where the Resindential Buildings (A to D) will be located.

    The 'independent' contractor and professional engineer who supervised these plans, and signed off on them, has listed on documents filed with New York Department of Environment and Conservation his email address as:

    [personal name]

  • JustHuman14

    That's a very interesting post. It seems that Beth Sarim has over shadowed Beth Shan. I only know Beth Sarim due to the Proclaimers Book. But again WT, tried to hide the skeletons on the closet and the real reason that they build it.

  • Terry

    THANKS FOR THAT JWLEAKS...curiouser and Alice might say:)

  • Vidiot

    Ditto, muchas gracias.

    If some of us are right, and they do indeed plan to make a multilevel underground complex (that can function independent of the outside world); it would be compelling evidence that the current crop of leaders are as much True Believers(TM) as the last batch.

    After all, why go to all the expense and effort for something that significant of they weren't?

    High-control groups that withdraw to an underground Masada compound are worrisome; I realize that in the grand scheme of things, the WTS is small potatoes, but what I wouldn't give to hear the NSA's take on all of this...

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