another closet apostate

by outsmartthesystem 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    It's a very, very big closet.

    In fact, every summer many of them come together to hide in plain-view in stadiums, arenas (although they don't even recognize it as such).

  • mrquik

    I admire those of you in helping others out. After 50 yrs. in, I thankfully, never helped anyone to join. Wish I could really help others out, but once out & labeled as an apostate, no one will listen. Keep up the good work. Make your time in really count. (I'll send some time cards. You can count this time as helping others see the truth.)

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Wish I could really help others out, but once out & labeled as an apostate, no one will listen."

    That's not necessarily true. Perhaps those you know personally won't listen.....but there are a lot of confused first time posters on this website and a lot of lurkers. I think we can all take comfort in knowing that we've been much more successful in reaching people and helping them find out TTATT on this website than we ever did in the door to door work

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Great work, everyone who are trying to free some minds.

    Everyone deserves to have their eyes opened so they can make a choice based on reality.

    Another key is to help people realize the incredible almost limitless world of association that awaits them outside of the cult.

    Many close friends dropped me like a hot potatoe, after I left - however, they have been replaced tenfold with friends who are unconditional with their friendship.

    Very refreshing, and enlightening!

    It takes courage to leave and start a new life, but the rewards that come with leaving make it all worthwhile.

    Furthermore, the negatives of having friends and family shun you can be limited or eliminated IF you contribute to the exodus by doing what you can to pull a few more out. It is often easier if you can leave with a few friends or family members. Even after you are out - you can work on getting others out. Not to mention the fact, that you sleep better at night knowing that you are not idly sitting by while friends and family rot away on the inside trapped in a cult.

    The Oracle

  • Tooz

    Still go to meetings yet understand the fallacy? Why?


    King I appreciate what you are saying, and I agree on some level I am not as "stong" as many of you are however I am thinking of particularly my wife and children. I am strong by staying in for them now so as not to rock the apple cart. I know it might be difficult to understand that but I sacrifice my own sanity for them.

    Tooz....same answer for your comment. Why? Not for me but for them.

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