A Dazzling apologist effort concerning Watchtower United Nations N G O

by Terry 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    I don't find this expressive thinking by a mind controlled JWS sunrising at all, its an intellectually disingenuous attempt to support the WTS.

    Who might you be identifying here?

  • Finkelstein

    Terry , the guy who put up that web site of course.

    From what he's said and the information about the original application for acceptance to became a NGO member by the WTS.

    around 1991 is an out about lie.

    He says ...

    No signature was required on the DPI NGO application form in 1991.

    Unless there is some falsified information being spread around ???

  • Finkelstein

    Even if an organization doesn't have to sign a form or official document,

    the executive leaders of the UN has clearly stated through pamphlets and other means that NGOs

    should be in agreement to the directives and purpose of the UN organizational agenda.

    So even in expressed words alone, the WTS. has ventured into idealogical hypocrisy.

  • Knowsnothing

    Ad-hominem and straw-man detected!

    Consider the Source
    One crackpot has spent thousands of dollars sending letters to the elders of every congregation in the USA, some in the UK, and all the branch offices to tell them about the NGO “apostasy”. You won‘t believe the story behind this deluded man who think‘s he's a prophet of God. Read this chapter...

  • Scott77

    Ask the stupid apologist, why did the Watchtower withdrew from the NGO one day after they were exposed on the Guardian Newspaper? If they were innocent, they do not need to withdraw from the NGO! Apologist, stop spinning bullshit!

    Hi Iamallcool,

    I liked that piece of sound reasoning. I think by resigning or withdrawing from the UN membership, they were running away from further shame. But it was too late. I have shared the UN link with some of practicing JWs. Will continue to do so.


  • jwfacts

    This sites argumentation is a great example of how writing a lot of repetitive information, and adding a few pictures makes the average reader skim it and think it must make sense. I have seen many JWs link to this article a valid justification for the Watchtower. Yet if you read it, the entire article is a lesson is rhetorical fallacies.

    I have a refutation of it at http://jwfacts.com/print/expose-jehovahsjudgment.pdf

  • Scott77

    Well, let us believe in hindsight that this site is actually doing us a great favor. Its actually helping us to spread what otherwise, the many JWs do not know of. In doing so, it will help the many doubting thomases to investigate further and in the end, see for themselves wha has been hidden from their sight. That's what I think.


  • james_woods

    It occurred to me when I first heard of this that the only thing more stupid than making the United Nations a horrible manifestation of some weird bible prophecy - was then going on to join it as an NGO.

    This is arguably the only religion EVER to put a religious hex on the UN, and then they proceed to actually associate themselves with it.

    And, of course, run away from that fact and go on in a state of high denial.


  • Finkelstein

    it will help the many doubting thomases to investigate further and in the end, see for themselves what has been hidden from their sight.

    That the WTS. organization is a power cultivating, decisively corrupt and quite hypocritical against its very own expressed doctrines.

    Power corrupts, absolute corrupts absolutely

  • silent

    If being a member of the YMCA makes me an activist and proponet of some interfaith movement, then does giving money to a non-JW doctor and his medical organization make me an interfaith proponent? What I'm getting at is if I'm paying for a service, then how is that any different than paying a non-JW plumber, non-JW doctor, non-JW public utilities department, non-JW anything for services or product? I live in a small town where the only swimming pool I can go to for exercise and therapy is at the YMCA. If I wanted to donate money to their cause, that's one thing. But to get a membership (as they call it) or pay dues so I can have access to their swimming pool is considered interfaith? Okay, well if that's the case, then where is the JWCA pool so I can go have my therapy there? Honestly, if your heart is all for Jehovah, and your motive is pure, do you think Jehovah will hate you so much he'd kill you over something like that? What kind of God are they making him out to be?

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