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Need Advice Please: My Sister Making Fool Of Herself
by CrimsonBleu 25 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry about the formatting I've been having problems posting on this site from my computer it either shows up all messed up or is blank.
I agree with Heliaphora. Let the Department of Adult Protective Services do an investigation first. They will be able to tell you if you need an attorney, or one may be appointed for your mother.
Wow, I just typed a response and nothing. So back to Chrome again. What is up with that anyway? I have been here for a long time lurking and never had this posting problem before.
I lost everyting I was going to say, and I guess I can sum it up that I appreciate what heliaphora said too. I do need outside help, and I don't want to appear like a jack ass trying to get it. My sister has done me and my other sister wrong, and now she insists she hold moms money, making up stories to justify her reasons. She is a hindernace. She is well known for making problems where there never was. My husband says she isn't happy unless she is making someone else miserable. He is right.
Thanks, I needed some support from others like me. I love you guys.
Jesus was very rude to his mum. Given his dad was if he was still alive quite old, theres no scripture telling us that Jesus cared for his old parents in anyway. Jesus was a quite a work, but nice is not one or caring of them, remember he was too busy telling Jews to be good little tax payers and faithful slaves.