My son recently out of the Coast Guard, in training for
supervisor,(a program set up by business companies for
returning veterans). This past week an elderly gentleman
walk into his office to empty the trash cans. OK you know
where Iam going with this. My son never baptize. Since
my son was alone in the office the janitor, (get some witness time).
When he begain my son told him he was raised a JW.
As soon as my son said that he thought, why did I say that.
Of course the Elder went crazy. When are you coming back,
you need to start your study and etc. My son told him, no way.
My son told me why in the hell would I want to become a JW,
this man have been here with this company for 30 yrs.(emptying my trash cans.)
Then after talking to co-workers, the man is known to be
consumer of alcohol, a lot of alcohol.