The best way to make a lot of money for XJWs

by cyberjesus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberjesus

    I have been a consultant in the Relationship Marketing Industry for 3 years now. Doing research and analysis of the system and the compensation plans, the phylosophy and the mechanics and I would like to share it here in the forum for those who are looking for extra income. I will state my reasons and obviously I am open for questions, comments and criticism.

    Relationship Marketing ( Network Marketing):

    1) Uses mouth to mouth referral. We are used to talking to people and creating a network of referrals. Its actually normal for us to sit and talk to people about our beliefs... and once you see the results you can actually speak with conviction

    2) Uses the need that humans have to belong to a group with a common goal. If the Company has a goal that people can share and creates a sense of unity this creates fantastic results since people like to belong to a group.

    3) has a system to share the profits that creates wealth in a consistent manner calculated automatically.

    4) uses a system that work if you just follow it... You dont need a degree nor a lot of hours to put into it. Just follow it. XJWs are confortable following instructions in a general setting.

    5) works better if you focus your efforts in helping others.. We are used to helping others with no other benefit than everlasting paradise... now you get to help others and your rewards is bigger income.

    6) Requires meetings.... no need to expand on this.

    7) Emotion creates faster growth----- And we know how to get people excited.

    8) Teaching your group is essential for the growth,... and we know how to teach people...

    9) Patience and constancy are extremely important... and we developed those fruits..

    I have noticed that Network Marketing grows so fast within religious circles. (mormos, christians, etc) because this system works the best where people trust you.

    Anyway. I was very often struggling when I was a JW... and when I left It was difficult to face realities of life in the world.. But since I found this industry it has made my life way easier. Thats why I wanted to share it here.

  • whathappened

    OK, I'll bite. What type of MLM do you recommend?

  • Iamallcool


  • cyberjesus

    The factors that make it easier and faster to have success are

    - how solid the company is

    - how much demand there is for the product

    - how much competition

    - how easy it is to grow the network

    - the system for duplication

    - retention of the customers

    - who controls the production process

    As you see there are many factors to consider. I have done analysis for about 20 in the us and 3 international. So it all depends where in you are. I just left corporate and started to grow my own network and am extremely happy in all senses.

  • cyberjesus

    But the most important thing is this... Its a people business.... And thats what makes it perfect for us. Thats why many cults use network marketing strategies.

  • iamwhoiam


    There seems to be any number of appealing Multi-Level Marketing
    programs available these days. Our researchers haven't analyzed
    them all, but based upon the appeal of those we have analyzed -
    their capabilities of making money for the participants - most of
    them look as though they could put money in your pockets. However,
    don't ever delude yourself into thinking that multi-level marketing
    won't cost you anything nor require much of your time, or work on
    your part. Indeed, successful selling, and most assuredly,
    multi-level marketing, will require an investment - dedication - and
    a lot of hard work!

    However, before you "sign-up" for any deal or begin one of your own,
    it's going to pay you to do a little bit of market research relative
    to the sales potential of the whole deal. For instance, if you can
    sell to a "waiting market," you'll make money. But if the people
    you attempt to recruit as duplicates of yourself feel that they are
    going to have a hard time selling it to someone else, then you
    haven't got much of a winning MLM program; regardless of how much
    money you claim they can make, if only they'll get out there and

    This specifically applies to MLM programs that offer "limited
    appeal" products such as gourmet recipes, health foods, household
    "knick-knacks," books on needlecraft or magazine subscriptions.
    Beware also of deals that require you to purchase an inventory or
    maintain a certain sales level. Look for the "bad parts" of an
    offer, and then weigh these against the ease with which you'll be
    able to make a sale. At the bottom line, if you have a hard time
    selling it, then the people you recruit to sell it for you will find
    it even harder to sell, and that will be the end of your "big money"
    multi-level program.

    There are countless reports, manuals, books and other publications
    that "supposedly" tell you how to attain riches in mail order, party
    plan selling, and even street-corner sales. The thing is, all of
    these "how-to" publications try to instruct you on how to put a
    mailing piece together, how often to send your offers out, and even
    the importance of "neatness & quality" within your offer, but very
    few if any come right out and help you get your offer to your most
    likely customers. As you know, unless an interested buyer sees your
    offer, you're not going to make any money.

    What I'm saying is that most people thrash around, waste time, spend
    hundreds of dollars, and never do make any money simply because they
    don't know how to get their offers to the people - without it
    costing them an arm and a leg...

    Here's how it's done: Regardless of what your offer entails, put
    together the most dynamic and mass-appeal "one-page" advertising
    circular you can come up with. As I've so often stated in the past,
    the best-selling and most-productive circular is one that "tells the
    reader you have a solution to his money problems." In other words,
    with your circular, promise him a way to make himself rich, and
    he'll not only be interested, he'll jump on your program.

    Next make it as easy as possible for the people who see your offer
    to respond. That is, in addition to an order coupon at the bottom
    of the advertising circular describing your offer, give him the
    chance to get involved in your program for the least possible cost.

    If you've put together a "winning offer," most people seeing it will
    want to know more about it, but if you charge them $5 for
    registration or enrollment fees, you'll lose about half of those
    "wanting in," because they're afraid of being ripped off. But if
    you charge them $2 or less, almost all of the people seeing your
    offer will "take a chance," just to find out what kind of a deal it
    is you're offering.

    In summary, you must have a one-page advertising circular that
    really appeals to most of the people - YOUR CHANCE TO SOLVE ALL
    YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS! It must include a coupon the reader clips off
    and sends in to you for enrollment or registration in your program.
    It has to be priced at $2 or less to "get everybody" to at least
    check it out. And, it must be complete on one page to hold your
    printing costs in line.

    Assuming you're with us, and organized thus far, take this
    advertising circular you've made up in original form, to a quick
    printer in your area. Ask him to print up 10,000 of these one page
    advertising circulars for you. This will cost you approximately

    If you don't have the money, you can either work an arrangement with
    the printer to pay him in 30 days, or include him in as a "silent
    partner" in your program. Ask him to read over your offer, explain
    how you intend to get it to the people, and about how much money you
    expect to gross from it. Then, simply offer to split the proceeds
    if he'll carry your printing costs for you.

    While the circulars are being printed, and the ink is drying, line
    up your initial distribution efforts. The first thing is to contact
    the Cub Scout and Brownie organizations in your area. Arrange with
    the leaders of these groups to pay them $10 per thousand if they'll
    station people at the exits to all the shopping centers in your area
    and pass out one of your circulars to everyone as they leave the
    shopping center. Simply tell them that you've got 10,000 of these
    circulars to hand out, and that you'll pay them the $100 for handing
    them out, on the first of the month.

    The best kind of places to hand out your circulars are those that
    feature discount stores, recycled clothing stores, and inventory
    reduction sales. Next on your list of places to hand out circulars
    should be Flea Markets, Swap and Shop events, and even garage sales.
    Anywhere there's a lot of people congregating or coming going, is a
    good place to hand out your advertising circulars - all in your own
    home town and without postage costs.

    Now comes the good part - while your "hired helpers" are handing
    circulars out for you at strategic locations throughout the area,
    you should be calling in person on every shopkeeper and store owner
    or manager in the area.

    Show them each a copy of your circular. Explain your program to
    them, and offer to cut them in on the profits if they'll help you
    hand them out by dropping one in with the purchases of each of their
    customers. The stores won't want to become involved in extra
    bookkeeping nor the handling of money for you, so you'll have to
    devise a method of knowing where your orders come from - a code for
    each of the stores handing out circulars for you.

    This is very simple. Just assign a different "department number" to
    each store, and when you have the circulars printed for each store,
    insert that department code in the address the reader is supposed to
    send his order to...

    Generally speaking, you should offer to supply the circulars without
    cost to the distributors, including the "special coding" for each
    store. Thus, the need for a good working relationship with a
    printer in your area. The amount of commission per order received
    that you allow to each store should range between 15 and 30 percent,
    but of course, always try to finalize each deal for the least

    Be sure to keep good records of all your incoming orders. It would
    be wise to have a separate record book for each distributor. Thus,
    you can review the number of orders received from each distributor's
    customers with him when you pay him his commission at the end of
    each month. At the same time, you should jot the name, address and
    phone number of each person sending in an order, onto a 3 X 5 index
    card. Arrange these cards in alphabetical and zip code order, and
    store them in an old shoebox. When you have 10, 15, or 25 thousand
    of them, you'll be able to sell them at $1 per name to any number of
    mailing list brokers.

    Another thing you'll want to do... with each envelope you receive -
    clip the stamp off and save these in still another shoebox - stamp
    collectors will pay you $10 to $25 for each shoebox full of stamps
    you can collect. After you've clipped the stamps off, place these
    envelopes with your customer's return address in still another
    storage box. Then you have several boxes full of these envelopes
    from people who have spent money with you, there are any number of
    "list buyers" who will pay you for them.

    Once you've got your town saturated with circular distributors - be
    sure to leave a stack in all the barber shops and beauty salons, as
    well as at the counter in cafe restaurants, bowling centers,
    theaters, and the "lodges" of all the fraternal as well as labor
    unions in the area - your next move is simply to duplicate these
    efforts in a neighboring town or city.

    Basically, we're talking about multi-level marketing and total
    advertising - recruiting efforts on your part. Your main thrust
    should be to "pull in" as many people as possible - show them the
    program, and if they want it, let them get in on it - if not, forget
    about them and move on to the next prospect... This is called
    "prospecting," and it's going to cost you money and time, regardless
    of what you're trying to sell...

    So you put together an "invitation type announcement" which is your
    initial $2 advertising circular, and you get it to as many people as
    possible. They pay you a "cover charge" of $2 to find out what your
    program is all about. And before you get all upset and throw this
    report in the waste basket, think about this: Let's suppose there
    are 42,000 people in your town - 30,000 adults, and 18,000 separate
    families. If each of these 18,000 families were to send you $2, how
    much money would you have? $36,000 right? Now then, tell me
    whether or not you'd like to have an extra $36,000.

    The people send you $2 for a "look-see" at your program for solving
    their money problems. You send them back your multi-level program
    brochure which describes how they can duplicate what you're doing
    and make a bundle of money for themselves, and the cost of supplies
    for them to get started. At the same time, you send out another
    one-page advertising circular that offers business success reports.
    Just as another for instance, let's say that 30% of the people
    receiving your MLM Brochure enroll and send for a start-up kit or
    supplies. You've expanded your MLM distributorship and made money,
    right? And now, let's suppose that of all the people who have sent
    in $2 to find out what your program is all about, a total of 40%
    spend $5 with you for one of your business success reports - $36,000
    gross income for initial expenses of $600 - then, let's say your MLM
    brochures cost you $100 per thousand, for total expenses thus far of
    $2,400 - plus another $600 for your business success r eports
    circulars - with another $11,250 as your commission from these
    reports, for a total gross income thus far of $47,250 - then, 3rd
    class postage and envelope costs of $2,550... Subtract your expenses
    from your gross income of $47,250 and you should end up taking
    $41,700 to your bank, catching up on all your bills, or spending on
    a long overdue vacation to Acapulco or Hawaii...

    That's it! That's how easy and simple it is and it actually works!
    Once you've covered your entire state in this manner, simply start
    renting mailing lists of people listed as Opportunity Seekers, and
    shotgun your basic one-page, $2 offer to all of them. By following
    these instructions and working according to this plan, you should
    easily take in more than a million dollars within the next twelve


    "We've been using the attached "$2 circular" for some time now, and
    it's proven to be a fantastic winner for us from the start... We had
    10,000 printed at a cost to us of $200 - paid a couple of cub scout
    troops $100 to hand them out for us; and from that initial 10,000
    circulars we handed out, we received 2,341 $2 inquiries = $4,682...
    And, another 33 orders for the MLM Manual offered on the same
    circular = $7,060 - Total income from our initial $300 investment
    was $11,742... Since that time, we've expanded our market, and
    we're now putting out 10,000 of these circulars each and every

    You can do it too! All it takes is that first circular and then,
    total distribution. If you'd like to make some of this "big money"
    we've been talking about - feel free to duplicate our circular with
    your name/address on it, and get it out to the people in your area.
    The circular follows and all you need to do is copy it with your

    >>>>> **** <<<<<




    Our all-new "FAST-TRACK SYSTEM" for the acquisition of real wealth,
    can be the answer to all your money problems... With this new
    money-making plan, the money you need for monthly obligations...
    The money you've been wanting, and needing, for the finer things in
    life... can be yours - almost immediately!!!

    This program is definitely -

    * A proven low-risk, all profit "Fast Track System" to real

    * Automatically self-perpetuating with "up-front" cash from the
    very first day on...

    * Something anyone can do without training, sales experience, or
    special business knowledge...

    This program definitely DOES NOT -

    * Involve chain letters, envelope stuffing, name collecting,
    coupon clipping, or any of those other ridiculous rip-off's that
    only cost you more and more money!

    * Involve the purchase and mailing out of catalogs, product
    samples, or other "pie-in-the-sky" schemes!

    * Involve recruiting friends, relatives and neighbors to join some
    "thinly-disguised" pyramid program!

    This program is designed for operation, and works best, from the
    comforts and privacy of your own home. In all honesty, it'll
    probably take you a couple of hours a day for about 3 or 4 days to
    get everything organized, but after that, it shouldn't take you more
    than an hour a day to run this business and start realizing some
    real profits!

    Everything you'll need is furnished - sent to you via first class
    priority mail - just as soon as we receive your registration fee.
    It's "like a dream come true," and the only thing that will keep you
    from making "real money" right from the start will be your own
    inertia! This business actually runs itself with your biggest
    expenditure of time devoted to making out your deposit slip for the
    bank and dropping it off!!!

    It's a "part-time" business that could bring in more money for you
    in one week, than most people make in a month or two! It's so
    simple, and so profitable, that most people don't even recognize
    it's potential...

    Our initial testing resulted in $3,160 the first week... $7,570 the
    second week... $11,410 the third week... and more than $15,000 by
    the fourth week...

    Think about it - what's the number one concern of most people these
    days? Money to survive, right? You'd better believe it! And making
    money is what we're all about. This is an opportunity for anybody ,
    and everybody to alleviate the current "money-bind" we're all
    experiencing... This is your chance to assist your relatives,
    friends and neighbors to "break-out" or this financial crisis while
    putting a real bundle of money in your own pockets!

    It's gonna cost you $2 to find out if this is what you've been
    looking for, and if you really can make a mint with this program -
    doubt the authenticity if you want - but if you're ready for the
    really big money, you'll get your $2 in to us right now! Find out
    about this fabulous money making opportunity that can make you
    really rich.

    OKAY! I'm ready for some extra money, and if your new program is
    all you claim it is, I'll be a millionaire this time next year! For
    $2 I'll take a chance and find out for sure - here's my $2, so send
    me the materials and I'll judge for myself. I understand that I'm
    under no obligation, and that it won't be necessary to send for more
    materials to make this thing start paying off big for me... With
    that in mind, rush the details of this programs to me immediately
    via 1st class mail!

    MEMBER NAME______________________________________________________


    CITY_____________________________________ STATE_____ ZIP__________

  • iamwhoiam


    Multi-level marketing is definitely the way to go for people
    aspiring to have more than just enough to get by on. Most of the
    world's leading economic forecasters say that by the turn of the
    century, fully 75% of the world's consumer business will be
    conducted via multi-level marketing plans.

    The thing to do is to learn all you can about this method of selling
    - how it works, and why it works - and then to get going with a
    multi-level marketing program that can accumulate a fortune for you.
    Make no mistake about it, multi-level marketing has made a lot of
    people very rich already, and will make a lot more people even
    richer in the coming years.

    Multi-level marketing is based upon the idea of each person involved
    selling only to his or her friends, with each of these people in
    turn, introducing their friends into the program. It's definitely
    an "endless chain" idea that has unlimited money-making potential.

    Theoretically, everybody knows or comes into contact with an average
    of 100 different people each week. If only 10 of those people were
    to give you 10 per week, you would have an income of $100 per week.
    And then, if these people were to duplicate your efforts, passing
    back to you, $1 for each new person they enlisted into the program,
    and then each person recruited perpetuated the program, your income
    would soon become astronomical!

    Undoubtedly, you've heard the story of how you can become rich
    simply by saving a penny a day, and doubling it each day for 30
    days. And then, there are the pyramid or chain letter schemes that
    we've all been offered. Multi-level marketing, in principle, works
    the same way, with the only difference being in the product offered
    for sale.

    All of these programs work to some degree - because there are
    government restrictions and laws against the perpetuation of these
    ideas - most of them make a big splash when they are first
    introduced, and then quickly die out. However the concept of
    initiating a program that sells itself via an endless chain will
    always be popular because it holds the promise of bringing riches if
    only the chain isn't broken.

    So, multi-level marketing appeals to everybody because it's an
    opportunity for all the participants to get rich with a minimum
    investment, and very little time or effort or involvement.

    It works because everybody wants to become rich. It's an idea that
    anyone - regardless of education, background or basic financial
    status - can perpetuate from the privacy of his or her own home.

    The basic fallacy of multi-level marketing is in the number of
    people each individual participant can easily enlist into the
    program. After you have talked to all your relatives, your
    neighbors, co-workers, and friends across town, you are more or less
    stymied as to new people to bring into the program.

    The bottom line is simply that you cannot recruit everybody you talk
    to - in fact, if you enlist 10% of the people you attempt to
    interest in the program, you'll be doing very well. You are going
    to get some rejections, and these rejections are basically what
    turns most people off - deflates their ego, drains their enthusiasm,
    and in the end, is the primary reason they drop out.

    Regardless of what you sell, you must always have a goal in mind -
    you intend to sell 10 units of a product or recruit 10 new people
    into your program between now and the first of the month. You've got
    to believe that you can do it - want to do it - and then get out and
    beat the bushes until you do do it! Once you've achieved this first
    goal, you should take a day off and reward yourself with a night on
    the town or the splurging on something you've always wanted.

    But then, after setting a goal for yourself, and then proving that
    you can achieve it, you should set a new goal for yourself - if you
    recruited 10 new people into your program first month, then this
    month, you're going to bring in 15 new members.

    You're going to make the really big money in multi-level marketing
    by selling "business start-up kits," and not really from spending
    time inspiring or motivating the people you've already brought into
    the program. In other words, sell the program to as many people as
    possible, and count on the motivational/money-making opportunities
    with-in your dealer start-up kit to cause them to put forth the
    effort to get out and try to make some money on their own. In the
    end, and as the old saying goes: you can lead a horse to water, but
    you can't make him drink it - any time and or energy you spend
    "calling back" on the people you have already sold, is going to cost
    you money and limit your gross income. To be successful in selling
    - and this is the secret to multi-level riches - you must present
    your program to as many people as possible. Close the sale with your
    first presentation, and let the buyer either get with it, or die
    from his own lack of initiative.

    It's as simple as that - the more people you present your program
    to, the more sales you're going to make. Don't worry about the
    people who have already bought from you - they either will or they
    won't, and there's nothing you can do about it .

    Obviously, if you spend all your time on the telephone inviting
    people over to a Special Opportunity Party at your house, and then
    another 3 hours presenting your program to them, it's going to take
    you a long time to present your program to 10,000 people and make

    And, your costs to rent a hall - advertise - and present a seminar
    program - will amount to more than you take in. If you have the
    initial promotional abilities, the credit and/or cash, and a really
    dynamic program - you can make it big, and quickly, by staging
    seminar-type meetings at the rate of 3 to 5 per week. Still, this is
    expensive and time consuming - a lot of work on your part, and not
    the easiest, most profitable way to go.

    The only logical way to go - to reach as many people as possible for
    the least amount of money and effort on your part -is via the mails.
    In other words, the marrying of your multi-level marketing efforts
    to mail order will be the least expensive and most profitable for

    You can send out 50,000 sales letters and multi-level program
    brochures in one month, and theoretically make $50,000 from an
    expenditure of $10,000 or less - a return of $5 for every dollar
    invested, which isn't bad...

    Basically, it's even easier than that! You should have some idea of
    how mail order works - what makes it profitable and the reasons why
    - and with this understanding, combine the "easy riches" appeal of
    your multi-level program with mail order selling.

    Here's our recommendation:

    1) Write a short, one-page report outlining the basic Success
    Secrets of multi-level marketing. You can tag-line this report with
    an invitation for the readers to send for a complete or more
    detailed manual or tape relative to multi-level marketing how-to; a
    directory or current listing of money-making multi-level programs;
    or even a listing of other reports relative to money-making
    home-based businesses you have for sale.

    2) Once you have such a report, the next thing for you to do is
    advertise. Write an ad such as: FREE REPORT!... Money-making
    secrets of multi-level marketers. SASE to Your name, address, city,
    state, zip.

    3) Place this ad in one of the national publications carrying lots
    of mail order advertisements - such as The National Inquirer,
    American Business, Money-making Opportunities, Entrepreneur, Income
    Opportunities, Specialty Salesman or any one of the hundreds of
    other such publications. It is our recommendation that you contract
    to run such an ad over three issues. This will give your ad maximum
    exposure, and should result in an overwhelming number of responses
    for you.

    4) In reply to each SASE you receive, first list the name and
    address of each respondent, along with the date received and what
    you send back to them, on 3 by 5 cards. Arrange these cards in zip
    code and alphabetical order, and store them in an old shoe box.
    Then, you take your one page report and along with your multi-level
    marketing brochure - your program - you stuff the envelopes and drop
    them off in your nearest mail box.

    If your ad runs in The National Inquirer, you could expect to get
    1,000 or more responses each time it runs. So far, your cost is for
    the ad - the printing of the one page report - and your multi-level
    program brochures. From these 1,000 free reports you send out you
    should be able to convert about 300 into new members into the
    multi-level program you're promoting.

    Thus, for an initial cost of $30 for the ad - $100 for the MLM
    brochures - and the time it takes you to stuff the envelopes - 300
    buyers at $10 each will give you a gross of $3,000... And that's
    how you parlay your multi-level program into a fortune, using mail
    order selling techniques.

    One very important thing to always remember relative to starting a
    new business: You cannot take any money coming in from your
    business advertising, and use it to pay your "everyday" bills. In
    other words, you cannot expect to use this money to live on - you
    have to pour it back into your business to perpetuate that flow of
    in come.

    Whenever you advertise, in addition to replies to your offer, you
    can expect a "ton of mail" from other people trying to interest you
    in what they're selling. Basically, you should go through all of
    this "junk mail" and look over, save the stuff that looks
    interesting, is well done, or that you can learn from, and perhaps
    "lift" some ideas from for use in your own selling efforts.

    Compile the names of the people and/or companies sending these
    offers to you. Just as with those replying to your advertised
    offer, jot down the date and a short description of the material
    received - and then send them a sales letter/brochure about your
    multi-level program. In sending out sales letter/brochures to these
    people, you don't have to send them out immediately. You can list
    these people in an "incoming offer notebook," and then include them
    with your regular direct mail packages you send out. But for sure,
    clip the stamps and save the incoming envelopes along with those
    from your bonafide replies.

    5) So you've spent $150 and made about $3,000 in a period of about
    three months. Now you want to perpetuate this income, and build it
    to twice that amount coming in every month. What you do is take the
    income from that first ad, and increase your advertising. In other
    words, use it to buy ad space in as many other publications as

    If your first $150 brought in $3,000 from exposure in just one
    publication, $2,000 will bring you $50,000 from exposure in 10
    different publications. Continue multiplying your advertising
    exposure and it won't be long before you will be "snowed under" with
    dollar bills, checks and money orders. Remember this though, you
    cannot really spend any of that money on yourself until the business
    is bringing in several thousand dollars per month on a regular
    basis. You have to pour it back into the business in order to allow
    your business to reach its full potential.

    6) Make up a one-page "Money Tree" circular, similar to ours which
    is included as reference material within this report. Be sure that
    you keep the cost to "find out about our program" to $2 or less.
    Then, with a listing of money making reports such as ours - printed
    on the back of your "Money Tree" circular - shotgun this out to as
    many people as possible.

    Others have had outstanding success handing them out at local
    shopping centers, passing them out door-to-door, and by including
    them as "ride-alongs" with their bulk mailing program. The
    important thing again, is to present your offer to as many different
    people as possible - particularly to those people with an itch to
    get rich quick...

    In addition to circulating your "Money Tree" flyers by hand, you
    should rent or buy - on a regular basis - as many different mailing
    lists of income opportunity seekers as you can afford, and shotgun
    one of your circulars to each of these names. You can also find
    inexpensive mailing list suppliers in just about any publication
    that carries mail order advertising.

    For sure, you should spend the money to obtain a 3rd class bulk rate
    mailing permit, and then use it to send out all your mailings.
    Start by sending out 250 pieces per week, and then gradually
    increase your volume to the point where you're sending out 5,000 or
    more pieces per week, and you'll be in business.

    7) So the secrets to getting rich in mail order have to do with
    presenting a free offer most people will find hard to pass up. You
    make your money from whatever you send out in reply to the people
    taking you up on the free offer.

    You send them a copy of your free report, plus your multi-level
    marketing brochure. You can stop there if you want, but there's
    lots more money to be made just from these initial efforts.

    Follow-up offers to people who, themselves are out beating the
    bushes attempting to drum up extra income, is the way the game is
    played. So, when you receive all these names and addresses of
    people interested in receiving a report on multi-level marketing,
    you compile the names and rent or sell them to other multi-level

    You do this simply by making up a one-page sales letter type of
    flyer or circular, offering your names for rent at whatever price
    you want to charge, and then by including this flyer in your
    outgoing mail.

    Besides including your "Money Tree" circular, and the mailing list
    rental offer, you should also include a one page circular describing
    and offering for sale, a listing of your money-making reports. And
    then, by soliciting co-op mailings from other mail order operators,
    you'll have a "pretty full" envelope of offers going out.

    Finally, the one thing you must always bear in mind is how your
    mailing package looks to the person receiving it. Your envelopes
    should be professionally printed with your return address - your
    sales letters should be written to impress the recipient; no
    misspelled words or smudges from erasures or worn out typewriters;
    and the eye-appeal of your coupons or offers which are included; and
    by all means, the quality of your multi-level brochure. Although
    multiple colored printing does tend to pull better than just black
    and white, you can do very well starting with just black and white
    materials so long as the image you project is all professional.
    Photocopying your offers and hoping for the best, just won't do.
    The more affluent you appear to be, from your envelope to each offer
    contained within, the better your chances of making a sale.

    So, that's how it's done - you can take these methods of how we've
    done it, maybe even improve upon them a bit, and make tons of money
    - or you can set everything aside and tell yourself that you'll get
    started on it next week. The thing is, the instructions are valid
    and the opportunity is here and now - whatever you do is up to you.



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    This is what we're offering you with our all new Multi-Level
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    Unlike other multi-level programs you may have heard of, with our
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    attend... no products to store... and no bookkeeping to get bogged
    down in...

    Basically, all you have to do is join up and let the money start
    rolling in. Really, all that's necessary is a $2 Sponsorship Fee,
    and your agreement to pass along one of these circulars to other
    people you think would be interested in obtain-ing financial

    Our program is simple and easy - requires no training or experience
    - and only $2 to start you on the road to the really big money!

    Let me repeat - All we want you to do is duplicate and pass along
    this circular to other people you think would be interested in
    obtaining financial security!

    Just tear off the coupon below, and send it in to us today. By
    immediate return mail, we'll send you all the details on this
    exciting new money-making opportunity, plus a couple of SUPER
    BONUSES, and a Master Copy of this circular so that you can start
    making money for yourself right away - without further delay!

    There's a lot of people using the multi-level concept to haul in
    $1,000... $5,000... even $10,000 per month! With our program, you
    can do it too!

    We've studied the methods of Amway, Enhance, Shaklee and most of the
    others - None of them come close to the huge profits our program
    offers! Until now, the "inside secrets" of how the really big money
    is made in multi-level marketing have been TOP SECRET, but no
    more... In addition to the opportunity to start making more money
    than you have ever seen before in your life - for a small
    Sponsorship Fee of just $2 - we're offering our manual, HOW TO BUILD

    Never before has so much about the inside secrets of multi-level
    marketing been revealing in such a simple and straight-forward
    manner. And we guarantee that with the information in this manual,
    you can do it too! This step-by-step manual frankly reveals how you
    can immediately start making all the money you want - in your spare
    time, without leaving the comforts or privacy of your own home!
    All, via multi-level marketing!

    Complete the coupon below, and get it in to us now!!!

    OKAY! I'm ready for some extra money... here's my Two Bucks -Sign me
    up, and send me the full details on your money-making multi-level deal!
    I'm also including an additional $20 for your manual on how I can build
    my own Million-Dollar Multi-Level Empire... Please Rush!!!

    $2 enclosed by cash __ check __ money order __ for sign up only...

    $22 enclosed by cash __ check __ money order __ for sign up and
    Multi-Level Manual...

    MEMBER NAME______________________________________________________


    CITY____________________________________ STATE_____ ZIP____________

  • iamwhoiam

    I personally hate MLM because my mother spent so much time and money doing it the legit way and never made a dime. Then, the MLM "companies" she worked for went belly up.

    To me, MLM is a sucker bet. But if you going to do be it.

    I prefer compound interest from stocks, bonds, futures, and forex. Not that anyone really cares. Good luck with your endeavors.

  • cyberjesus

    That was a way long cut and paste.

    I was afraid of it. I actually wasnt interested in it at all... I participated in one company 5 years ago but wasnt succesful because I did not plugged into the system.

    Then i ended up analyzing the system and saw the potential earnings and understood how it works. Thats why I ended up as a consultant.

    So now I know exactly why it doesnt work for some.... The ironic thing is that the system can work for anyone. The problem is to follow ALL the instructions.... and the system will work.

    Obviously if the company is not solid then it could collapse like what happened to your Mom.

    The key is to create compound growth. Thats all. Not selling. But creating growth. And that is technically easy. I have been personally involved in 4 and I have made money in all of them.. But now in the past two months I have really seen the power an I went from zero people to $1000 per week in only 2 1/2 months.

    Thats why I am sharing it here in the forum. Not interested in pitching any company but in sharing the system for anyone who might need it.

    I was in so much distress. Four years ago I was going to go back in the Cult. I lost 3 houses and my business and didnt do anything to save them because the end was so near (can you believe it). I was going to dedicate my live to Gawd........

    Thankfully I found this site... but I ended up broke..

    Now I am resolved to regain my fortune back and help as many people as I can do the same.

    F the Watchtower printing company.

  • cyberjesus

    One more thing, as I mentioned before this is compound growth. If can create a growth by 4 or 5 its even better. I like to invest in stocks... but you need money and the market is very volatile.

    The beautiful part of Relationship Marketing is that it usually requires little investment so anyone can start it and in some plans everyone has the same tools to make any money. and that is awesome!

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