The best way to make a lot of money is to work hard and do your best at whatever occupation you have. Scams can be good for a while but eventually they lead to civil and/or criminal penalties.
The best way to make a lot of money for XJWs
by cyberjesus 26 Replies latest jw friends
The whole economic system is a scam. You can't blame ordinary people for wanting a piece of the action I suppose.
The Melaleuca numbers werent great but they were better than you reported. I looks like the top 20% break even or make money acording to an FTC report. 4% making any significant ammount of money. The average cost of being a customer is about $840 a year. Granted breaking even means you dont by most household cleaning products.....but still not very exciting.
Overall the numbers were worse than I thought.
The best way to make a lot of money is to work hard and do your best at whatever occupation you have
Tell that to the people who work hard and still make minimum wage... I disagree with you. Working hard on the wrong occupation wont give you a lot of money.
Scams can be good for a while
I disagree. Scams are never good. Scams are scams. But that is off topic. Because that is not what we are talking about.
Diest: The key word here is "Why" why it works for some and it doesnt for others? thats what drove to me research the industry. Melaleucas products are very good. I personally know a lot of people who are making over 30k per month... And what I started analyzing is why they were making that amount of money while others failed...
As a matter of fact I joined Melaleuca and Failed 5 years ago. I was sold on the Idea, the dream but was not taught the system.... But just because I failed it doesnt mean that the system wasnt working... That is exactly how I started researching... I studied the people who failed and the people who didnt..... and oh the findings are sooo exciting... I dont think I can ever do any other business. Eventhough I am still a dancer, an actor and a systems analyst.
And virtually nobody makes any money at it
I disagree... I have seen many people make a lot of money. I have a... So what if you could discover how to make it that every body could have a fair chance? Did you know that there will be in this decade more millionares made from the Referral Marketing than any other industry? Dont measure the industry based on the results of the players...
Base it on the result of the best players and do exactly what they do... Its pretty simple. No need to reinvent the system.
why people fail? I can answer that....
Their profits are from people becoming 'distributors' having to buy overpriced products
Misconception and myth. Profits are from the distribution of comissions. Overpricing is relative... Is mercedez benz over priced?.... if there is a maket for it then so be it. Are the coach purses overpriced? gucci? mink coats?... if there are buyers who are willing to buy then it a fair market..
Do you do all your purchases from the 99 cent store cuz is cheap? Do you order all your cloths from china to save some money? Referral Marketing is an amazing economic system...
Usually the people who say bad things is the people who failed.... the problem is not the system... the system works... The people who complain is the same people who buy a membership to the gym and they blame the gym cuz they didnt lose any weight....
And blaming the industry based on some companies is like saying that real state agents dont make money because many real states dont make money.
think about it.
still nobody has asked a question... only misconceptions