
by mommy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Just a few random thoughts here as my head is in a turmoil now. Do you know what I really wish at this moment? I would love to lay my head on someones lap and have them stroke my hair. I do that to my daughter as we talk and it seems that has such a calming affect on her.

    My thoughts on friends at this moment is UGHHHHHH! Do you have to agree with your friends 100%? Do you have to support your friends even if they are wrong, in your opinion? Are you required to choose between two friends that are fighting? Are you obligated to relay messages that another told you in confidence? Is it okay for a friend to accuse you of doing these things just becaue they are fighting with another friend? Is it worth losing a friendship to have a disagreement? Do you have to like the same people?

    Do you realize the emotional turmoil that a person goes through when they are asked to do any of the above? Do any of you realize how emotional a person is 10 days before giving birth anyway?

    You know when you meet someone, even online, you can judge their character. You then decide if this is a person you want to be share space with. Over time and after much has been invested in a relationship you are obligated to fulfill your side of the bargain aren't you? I mean if you are a friend, then you shouldn't just drop that friendship as soon as one disagreement comes up. This is JW thinking, don't agree with them so I will not talk to them.

    Believe it or not I don't like all of my friends qualities. I accept them and love them for who they are and what they are willing, and able to give. I do not expect a child to start walking before he is able, so why should I expect another person to do something they are unable to do. Actually I try to do this with everyone I meet. I try to understand where they are coming from, and make allowances based on that. Nobody is perfect, least of all me, I have more hangups than a telephone salesman. There are very few I have met in my life that I have written off. Very few I saw their true character, was repulsed by it and gave up on them.

    I cannot imagine going through life being skeptical of all people. I cannot imagine seeing deciet in another around every corner. I would rather wait until the ball drops on my head and be crushed before I accuse another of doing something wrongly. Maybe I am just wishful thinking. I realize this is not a perfect world, we are all troubled in our own way. I do not want to be cynical. I want to be optimistic, yes I will get disappointed...but who cares! I will be happy before I am disappointed.

    But dam nabbit I am really upset now. I guess I realize how come people are always upset when the flame wars start. It is so unsettling to see people you care about fighting with each other. I think I will join Andi in the closet covering my ears and rocking back and forth.

    Please do not attach these words and random thoughts with anyone here. I am alone here in NY without my "real' friends in NC who I can bounce this stuff off. Plus it is really late and I didn't want to call anyone.

  • SixofNine
    I would love to lay my head on someones lap and have them stroke my hair.
    I think I will join Andi in the closet covering my ears and rocking back and forth.

    Grab your bible, we'll make it a party . Oh heck, we've got a third, you can leave the bible. You cover her ears, I'll help her rock back and forth, sound good?

    Six- all men think about class

  • mommy

    Thanks you did make me smile

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ive officially withdrawn from the thread wars.
    Enough is enough.
    hope that rekindles your hopes a bit.

  • DanielHaase

    Gosh Wendy, sounds as though you are going through alot. There is always shit out there that gets us down. I hate to hear that it's getting to you. You're a wonderful gal, and if your hair was within arms length, I would love to cradle it. I hope you get through this OK. You got people out here. We're not always assholes :)

  • LittleToe

    A plea from a lonely, pregnant woman, to have her hair stroked?
    Who could refuse?

    Take it easy Wendy, that cupboard is a bit small, the bubble bath was a better option.
    How about a little light music?

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Wishing you well on the 17th!

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    All the very best Wendy, I hope all goes well for you and the little one.

    I am absolutely sure that your sentiments and insticts are right. You will be all the happier and more lovable for that! In the brief moments I come here your comments are usually quite soothing and mellow.

    So come out of that closet, girl, as there are lots of caring sorts who would gladly stroke your hair.

    Now... where is my extra long combe....

    Mr Ben

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • Abaddon

    I used to have this idealistic idea about friends, that if some one was a friend, then they had reached this kind of state of grace. It was just after I'd left the Borg...

    ... needless to say, I found there are all sorts of friends;

    Work friends
    School friends
    Club/Pub friends
    Online friends
    'Hobby' friends
    Abusive friends
    Fairweather friends
    Foulweather friends
    Passing friends
    Needy friends...

    Whatever, there are as many types of friends as there are friends really, though you can break it down into groups if you have a mind to. Some are CRAP in certain areas. Some you have to bite your tounge when they start on their pet peeve. Some are lovely people, but a little slow. Some just make you wonder how you deserved how to have someone so nice in your life.

    ... and I found, that, almost without exception, in some way, a friend will let you down...

    ... inadvertantly, in a small way, or in a huge way you can't believe...

    ... the big differentiator, is whether you carry on being friends with someone after they hurt you. I've normally found that the best friendships are built on dissappointment, as you know each others limits, and the fact that you both value each others' presence in your lives to eat crow or grovel or swallow pride or say sorry or whatever. Foulweather friend rule. The ones you've worked through the bad times with.

    When you add two friends together and they fall-out, oh, that's a sweetie... NOT! You have to decide whether to be impartial (almost always best), or take sides, or appear to be impartial whilst taking sides, or whether to lie and cheat so you can lock them in a room for a hour and get then to sort it out.

    I'm sorry the shit here's been upsetting to you Mommy - you do sound like you've got a good outlook on life

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    Abaddon said that good friendships can be built on disappointments. That really can be true.

    When I was about 19 my then best friend let me down seriously by stealing all my grant money whilst at university. I agonised over this, as well as ending up stealing food. Fortunately I didn't get caught. It took over 2 years to get over this and to fully understand and sympathise with why he did this to me of all people. We are now, 15 years later, rock solid best friends who enjoy each others personalities greatly, especially with our similarly bizzare sense of humour. Recently, I needed some help after leaving the Borg affected my business (my partner & staff were Witnesses) and guess who offered all his savings to help me? Yep, you guessed it.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • nelly136

    the last few days can really take it
    out of you, wishing you all the best
    and hoping everything runs smoothly when the
    times comes, and dont forget theres always yahoo

    luv deb xx

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