My motto: Flip them the bird, tell them to piss off.
I know you're a sweet person, but sometimes you just have to turn off the phone, and not think about things for awhile. Some people are just plain stupid, and love to be petty. It seems to be in their nature.
sorry you are going thru this right now. it's never fun :(
sometimes friends cross boundaries and that's when we need to tell them "i'm uncomfortable with this." do not allow your friends to push you around. true friends know and understand boundaries and will try their hardest to respect yours as you do theirs.
I'm sorry your friends are putting you in this position.
Yes, they are the ones doing it. Don't allow it any more, tell them exactly how you feel. Say "I like you both, and I refuse to be put in the middle of your battle." Period. End of subject.
I mean, what are they thinking putting a hormonal, nearly at her delivery date preggers woman thru such emotional turmoil? You don't have to choose sides, and if they can't live with that...then it's their loss.
Take care, and don't worry too much about this stuff. It will all work out when the moon cycles back around again.
Hey all Thank you for the support! I really appreciate the kind comments. I was a mess when I posted that and yesterday was not much better. When upsets start affecting your physical health then it is time to face them head on, and put an end to the insanity. I did say in my first post I would rather stay optimistic and I still feel this way. Well when the ball dropped and I was hurt, it really crushed me. I guess I just needed some time to accept that. I can see now that not everyone plays by the rules. And to expect them to is only hurting me. But I refuse to let this learning experience to damper my opinion of others. I will maintain my optimism and that has to be a good thing huh?