I think the only mistery here is: Who are the Readers?
Latest "Questions From Readers" - who wrote in with this question?!
by cedars 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It seems to me, and I could be wrong, that the whole notion of "singleness" is a euphemism for Sex relations.
A man (such as Pastor C.T. Russell) had no apparent sex drive. A sort of metaphorical eunuch, he was.
Yet, he "married" Maria and became the mysterious "one flesh" without consummating the marriage.
The only "divorce" granted that couple was the equivalent of a restraining order.
Strange group, strange minds, strange entaglements.
Oh, c'mon, isn't it obvious?! Andre sent in that question!
The "gift of singleness"???
I had to read through responses here just to understand what that was supposed to mean. I have never heard of that... but then, i haven't read anything WT related in quite some time either.
King Solomon
TEC said:
The "gift of singleness"???
Need I tell you that EVERYTHING is a gift from God? There's the "gift" of singleness, and the "gift" of marriage. With YWHW, EVERYONE'S a WINNA!!
gives people the illusion that they actually entertain questions
They encourage singleness not because you can serve the borg more being single, since COs, DOs and GB members are married but to to comfort those who cannot find a parter "in the Lord". They're preventing them from being so sad and discouraged so they want to go to the world and abandon the cult.
They try that these JWs feel special being single but it's all about hypocresy. File and rank witnesses who cannot marry feel bad.
I have one experience probably will not appear in a Watchtower. It's about one pioneer who spent his 20s and 30s in the field circus. He became a MS and an elder and didn't worry about marriage, education, work and those wordly things. When he was 35 he quitted pioneering because his part-time job didn't allow him to live alone. Then, he saw all the brothers in his congregation had their own family and no one really care about his loneliness. One thing is what is printed in WT-publications and other different what happens in the congos. This lack of love from their brothers despite of all his efforts to serve the most-perfect-Organization and he only got it.
Finally, he became inactive and rumors spread in the congo about his lack of faith and joy in God's service. Probably, they say, he's now an apostate. As time goes on, probably in a year, nobody will remember what he did for this religion or even who he was.
This experience hasn't happened once or twice.... but MANY times. I've seen it a couple of times in the congos I've served. So sad but so real.
I agree with Jadeen. That is totally the sort of question Andre would ask.
They have been writing their own questions for decades.
Whilst I suspect that is true, is there any proof that's actually the case?
Single JWs are so often desperate and lonely and putting on a brave face. So sad.