If I may, I will use Viviane and Cofty as examples. They can be brutal on threads like this. But that's the point, its on THREADS LIKE THIS!!!
Thank you. In the arena of "is this idea valid" it's utter brutality to the idea to see if it stands up. That says nothing about the person with the idea or the person seeing if it stands up, whether they are nice, naughty, mean, motherly or otherwise.
Some of the people that have been the most brutal to my own ideas have been my best friends because I asked them to be. I mean, if my friends can't tell me my idea sucks because they want to be nice, how do I expect anyone else to respond when I put it out there?
I expect no one here to believe it, but, in actual life, I am one of the most compassionate, easy going, ready to laugh, buy you a drink or cup of coffee people in the world.
Oh, time to evaluate an idea? I wouldn't be an actual friend or good person if I didn't try to destroy it. How else will you figure out where it needs work and shoring up or to be scrapped altogether? Would it make me a better person NOT to challenge ideas? I think not.