Do you think I'll be DF'd now?

by meat pie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChristFollower

    Meat Pie,

    If they ask you this question:

    "Do you believe this is GOd's organization and the the GOverning Body is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?"

    I say walk out. I wouldn't subject myself to their kangaroo court. Or, I would put it back to them "Do you think God's organization would join and promote UN politics and agenda? Do you think that is faithful of the "discreet slave"?


  • SYN

    It wouldn't work to nail anything to the KH door, trust me, it's been tried before. The first of the faithful who sees it will just tear it up straight away.

    So tell me, those Elders who were following you around for the last few weeks in order to gain information about your activities, have you spotted them yet? You know, those guys who sit outside your bedroom window every night armed with a telescope so they can see you posting here?

    I say, good riddance!

    BTW, you shouldn't have given that woman those doccies, now she'll be forced to turn your ass in. (For her 'conscience', you know!)

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Nowfree

    It depends on the elders in your local congregation.

    I left the org in Oct 2001. Since then i have been celebrating xmas/birthdays etc etc. Been loudly vociferous in denouncing JW teachings at any and every opportunity. Discussed all my findings re UN/blood issue/JW v Bulgaria in European Court of Human Rights with my JW husband. Taken my JW husband to court to prevent him taking our daughter to meetings (I won by the way).

    And still I have not been disfellowshipped.

    My brother in law is the Presiding Overseer in the local cong - I stood in my kitchen last December (my house was COVERED in xmas decorations) and asked him if I had been disfellowshipped. "No" was the answer.

    And I still haven't heard anything from any of them. No shepherding visits, nothing.

    I don't know whether they can't be bothered, or whether they are scared because I will NOT be walked all over (and they know it), or whether it is because i am still related by marriage to the PO?

    So I really think it depends on the attitude of your local elders, and how much grief THEY think YOU will cause THEM if they started to rock the boat.

    Just my thoughts.


  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Thanks very much for all these replies. I think the most likely outcome might be what nowfree suggests, as I said I have some info they wouldn't like out. But it is true it all depends on local elders and new co for instance. And BTW we already have 2 of these military police/ jesuit type elders. My original fall out was over the 'we can be trusted but everyone in-the-world cannot' attitude, I argued with the 2 special elders at my home over this until one didn,t speak and the other almost agreed!So as you say Christfollower, if they asked me the BIG question I could not lie, I will not lie to please these men.( there is alot more than this issue of course) Thanx Meat pieXXX

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