Do you see many jw's at your door?

by terafera 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wren


    I'm in Alaska(not Anchorage). I did live in Anchorage for a few months, though. I was called on after about three months but they were Spanish speaking! It shows with the increases being in many non-English speaking areas.

  • Nowfree

    I was last called on in September 01. After the long, fun (for me!) conversation we had, they sort of figured i was an exJW. It was SO unfair of me to pick a conversation with two elders!!

    I never see the witneses along the road. My parents (ex JWs) don't see them either - they both work from home and their office is at the front of the house, so if ANYONE walks along the road, they are spotted!!

    I think the number of JWs actually out regularlly in the ministry is dropping so they are unable to cover the territory like they used to.

    Now that IS Good News to the rest of us!!


  • Stephanus
    Do you see many jw's at your door?

    Nope, only next door:

  • Catherine

    Hi, I am new to this site, and confused as to the replies I have read here. Not being able to figure out if this is a pro or anti JW site, I would just like to reply this... The bible reads that we should, as Chrisitians, witness to our brothers, and all good Christians do. It doesn't have to be at the door of a stranger, but at a friends home, a school, or even the stranger sitting next to you on an airplane. Many times this comfort is welcomed, and perhaps even warming. Ever hear of being saved? You can't save tyourself if you don't feed your spiritual side. You instead will starve. So the next time a witness comes to your door, know that the person on the other side of your threshold is following the word of God. If you don't believe in God, simply say so... Peace, Catherine

  • Stephanus
    If you don't believe in God, simply say so...

    You don't have to believe in the Watchtower to believe in God, Catherine (or YoYo or whoever you are)

  • 4christ

    Hello everyone, I usually just lurk, but........
    I had some at my door last week. In the year and a half I have lived here, they have left a tract on my doorstep and I have had them at my door twice when I was home. After the first time, they skipped my house and visited my neighbor twice( I dont think they liked what I had to say, maybe had me pegged apostate. Actually, I have never been a JW). But last week, they were back again, different ones. I have also seen them in other neighborhoods and they have been by my Dads house.
    At the last place I lived, I was practically stalked by one witness lady who kept coming around with a little girl. I think that lady was nuts. She was a real fire and brimstone type, going on about the end of the world. Wild eyes. i started to avoid her and she would keep knocking on the door when I didnt answer it.
    Peace to all...... _lauren :)

  • terafera

    You crack me up girl!

    Ohh.... you dont know what you did by giving me that address! I am sending out the surveys with the names of all my sworn enemies.
    Dont think my bro-in-law will be too happy!

    Hi Catherine,
    I didnt mean to be offensive, wasnt slamming the JW's in service or anything... just find it odd, because when I was actively going to meetings, I heard all the time, 'the territories are being covered many times a month'. I just find it very weird that living here for years, I have yet to have a Witness come to my door, let alone an English speaking one!

    Email me! Are you far from here? I thought it was funny the person at your door was Spanish. Actually, there is a Spanish cong and a Philipino cong here now. You're right....there are many non-English speaking people coming in.

  • Silverleaf

    Hello Catherine,

    you wrote:

    Hi, I am new to this site, and confused as to the replies I have read here. Not being able to figure out if this is a pro or anti JW site,

    Most of the people here were JWs or were hurt by them in some way.

    I would just like to reply this... The bible reads that we should, as Chrisitians, witness to our brothers, and all good Christians do.

    The Bible says a lot of things - among them that God is jealous and vengeful, that the truly faithful should happily sacrifice their children and their families to follow him, it gives advice on how to treat your slaves and your prisoners of war and my personal favorite, you should not wear a garment made of two different materials.

    Spirituality can be fed in many different ways and not everyone thinks the Bible is one of those ways.


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