I'm confused

by NickL 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • thinker

    By using circular arguments and mind-numbing phrases, the society limits the thoughts of the R&F. Search out my previous post called "JW Dictionary" for a complete rundown.


  • bjc2012

    Hi NickL,

    You are definitely an anomaly here. I agree that JWs are God's people, but the leadership sucks. I would describe them as I've heard managers of businesses described: 'They've reached their level of incompetence'. They are very dogmatic about their teachings yet they are not inspired. They closely resemble the leaders of Israel in the first century before Jesus came to the earth who would throw a Jew out of the synagogue for the least infraction, especially those who disagreed with them. And of course they were teaching what they believed to be truth from the Law. Yet Jesus described the people as being 'skinned and thrown about as sheep without a shepherd.' This was because they were being led by uninspired men! Under Jesus' tutorlage, they would certainly have been healed of their spiritual maladies because he was inspired. (Matthew 8:17) When I say 'inspired' I'm talking about someone that Jehovah specifically commissions and teaches. The current GB has been in power since 1977 and they have not taught anything new but have been rehashing Fred Franz' old teachings (examples are the recent books on Daniel and Isaiah). But they most certainly have been changing a lot of teaching (the baptismal questions, the generation, the sheep and goats separated, etc.)to their detriment and that of the flock.

    I would describe the congregations today as Jesus did. There are so many that are spiritually sick and so many who have left who simply would not return because of being treated unjustly. For them their treatment is proof that JWs are not God's people, but I would not go that far. I know what the problem is. I would not return because I can be spiritually sick out here by myself. I don't need any help to do this.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are in need of having someone explain 'all the teachings of God.' This is the only thing that will heal them. It is about time. They have been carrying the Name now for almost 70 years. Enough reproach has been heaped upon God's Name because of their leadership not being able to make reasonable and rational decisions as in the case of pedophiles in the congregations. I am certain that Jehovah is rectifying this situation even today.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Hi Bjc,
    There are so many things to say in reply to your post. But I am not a patient person by nature. So I will keep it brief. To me, the things you mentioned about the leadership are the very things that prove these ones are not teaching the truth. This could be proved by using the very sciptures they use to prove they are the ones with the truth.
    When changing doctrine and dogma seriously affects masses of peoples lives, I have a problem with this. And how will they fix the lives ruined in the past? Some individuals have tried to get the Society to retract past judgements based on the changed rules and the Society turns a blind eye. i.e. A woman whose husband commited beastiality. Society ruled no ground for divorce. She divorced him, and got disfellowshipped for it. When their policy changed to this being considered audultrey (sp?), she wrote a letter asking for a retraction of her disfellowshipping. Answer? "NO". How can these be fixed? Another example. A seventeen year old girl is raped by a ministerial servant and proclaimed annoited one. He is privately reproved, she publicly. Why was there even a need for a comittee meeting? And how are the years of her blaming herself to be accounted for and retribution made? Are these just imperfect actions? Ones to be excused and ignored. I don't think so!!! A spirit directed organization would not allow these things to occur. And if they did by some strange coincidance there would be a way to fix all the damage done.
    These men not only are no better than any of the other religions (i.e. Catholic priest molesting) they are more accountable because they claim to have the only truth, and control their members to the point of mind numbing permanent damage.
    Sorry this seems so strong, but it is an emotional subject for me.

  • Prisca

    Hugs for TW...

    {{{{{{{{{{ TW }}}}}}}}}

    {{{{{{{{{big hug}}}}}}}}}

    We have all been hurt by things wrongfully done in the past. You're among friends here. We UNDERSTAND

  • bjc2012

    Hi TW,

    Because I said they were God's people is not the same as saying that they are righteous, nor is the leadership righteous. You've read the Bible and you know that for most of Israel's history they had problems that caused Jehovah to have to discipline them. They were guilty of gross idolatry which is why Jehovah caused the land to vomit them out of it, as promised in the Law Covenant. The only period where there was righteousness among God's people was during the short period of the first century congregation. And this was because Jehovah intervened with holy spirit to help them keep on the 'straigt and narrow.'

    You also know that the Bible states that the "Man of Lawlessness" would set himself up as 'a god' in God's own temple. If such individuals gain control, what do you think will be the consequences to the people? Unrighteous decisions and actions! And this is just what you've been a victim of, or whoever it is that you know who has been a victim of injustice. Did not Peter say also at 2 Peter 2:1 that "there also came to be false prophets among the people as there will also be false teachers among you."

    If you choose to blame Jehovah for this situation, then so be it! But if you believe that He will exact vengence for this unrighteousness done in His Name as Paul says at 1 Thessalonians 1:6 which reads: "This takes into account that it is righteous on God's part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you."

    Because you see these things going on among God's people and it seems God allows them, what is your reaction to God? Do you accuse Him of unrighteousness, loose your faith in His ability to rectify these situations, and so you turn your back on Him?

    We all know that the 'whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one' and this includes God's people. In fact, they are the prime target. Do you suppose that Jehovah would not allow Satan to test everyone's faith? The leadership has given a wrong impression to the flock. They claim that the testing is over, that it occurred in 1918. Now is anyone alive today who went through that testing? No, every individual who gains God's approval will have his faith tested to the limit. How will you stand? As Jesus said at Luke 18:8; "When the son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on earth?"


  • happytobefree


    I guess I would have to agree with you. Except, my belief would be that ALL OF MANKIND are God's chosen people.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

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